Monthly Tarotscopes by the Tarot Priestess - December 2021

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By Mahasweta Mazumder

Aries(March 21 - April 20):

The King of Cups card can typically indicate a person with emotional stability and intelligence—usually it's believed that court cards reflect individuals in most circumstances, although they don't always— This person in your life is compassionate, loving, diplomatic, and frequently serves in a leadership or counselling capacity. This King is traditionally shown as an elderly man with fair hair  who plays an emotionally balanced, intelligent, sensitive, and constant role in your life. Their energy may seem more masculine, although this isn't always the case.

Taurus(April 21 - May 21):

The "Three of Swords" is a difficult card because it depicts a heart that has been wounded by others. It might be their hurtful words or actions. Here, the suffering is real, and it comes as a complete surprise. You may not be able to do much about it, but now is the time to cry it out and move on. It's possible that you'll be  humiliated at work by coworkers or supervisors. It's possible that there will be some backstabbing.  In a business situation, a partner may turn out to be untrustworthy and betray you.

Gemini(May 22 - June 21):

The arrival of the Wheel of Fortune in your Tarot foretells new beginnings. It denotes good fortune, changes, and a new course in life. While there are ups and downs, the general vibe of the card is optimistic, signifying positive improvements and good fortune. When the Wheel of Fortune comes around, you may expect good rewards for all of your good deeds. You are not obligated to do anything, and you are not forced to take any action. Rather, something is occurring to you or an external event occurs that causes things to alter in your favour. When it happens, expect things to happen swiftly!

Cancer(June 22 - July 22):

Expect financial prosperity and fortune to come your way. Your personality reflects your unwillingness to give up on your goals, which will finally prevail. You don't feel compelled to prove yourself, and if you put in the effort, you'll discover that your problems are a thing of the past. Look ahead; the future is promising.

Leo (July 23 - August 23):

Death is a metaphor for change. Death appears while you're nearing the end of one cycle and getting ready to start a new one. And,this does not mean literal death. It might mean beginning a new job or relocating to a different city–basically, a new chapter in your life! Because it asks you not to deny, evade, or delay facing reality, death has a hard-core energy. When you see this card, it means you should welcome change and go with the flow!

Virgo (August 24 - September 22):

In a tarot reading, the Eight of Pentacles tarot card will reassure you that your efforts are paying off. The Eight of Pentacles card denotes someone who is super-focused on their goals. They have distanced themselves from any things that may divert them, therefore distractions are not allowed. It signifies you're putting your whole heart and soul into your major aim. Perhaps you've already mastered one talent, and the Eight of Pentacles card has been drawn to indicate that it's time to hone it further or learn a new one.

Libra (September 23 - October 23):

The Page of Cups encourages you to be creative and emotional. This may occur if you try new activities such as reading new books, taking creative classes, or honing your psychic powers. The Page of Cups advises you to follow your instincts and be receptive to messages that come your way, even if they don't make sense right away. Following your intuition and going with the flow can lead to a state of joy.

Scorpio (October 24 - November 22):

You may have found yourself focusing on individuals and situations that haven't worked out recently, and spirit is asking you to refocus your attention so that you may bring in the opportunities that are meant for you. There will be less room for your blessings to arrive if you are not grateful. Your mind is preoccupied and spiralling; try to use meditation or unplugged time this month to reset your thoughts and focus on the right thing: yourself.

Sagittarius (November 23 - December 21):

The Two of Swords indicates that you must make a choice but are unable to do so, either because you lack sufficient knowledge or because you are conflicted in your emotions. Let go of the fear of making the wrong decision and adopt the attitude that you simply cannot make the wrong decision — all roads lead to where you are supposed to go.You can create a list of pros and cons if it helps, but the sooner you get out of your mind and into your heart and body, the sooner you will settle this inner struggle. The Two of Swords Tarot card suggests that this battle is of the mind — that overthinking has brought you here, and that a different method is required to resolve this dilemma.

Capricorn (December 22 - January 20):

It's time to accept the inevitable. Why not relax and let yourself float downstream instead of fighting your way up against the current? What you've been looking forward to is what (or who) you've been avoiding. It's natural to confuse your fears and desires, but the individuals who succeed or end up happy are the ones who can separate their intuition from their anxiety; their excitement from their apprehension. The right choices will frighten you a little! Take the time to understand how to approach someone close to you who is hurting.

Aquarius (January 21 - February 18):

The Tower is a difficult card, and many people aren't delighted when it appears. It might indicate a collapse, a shock, a setback, a disturbance, or the end of something. Isn't it all fairly bleak? No, not at all. The Tower appears to be the universe dragging you out of a circumstance in which you have lost the will or power to end it yourself. Something dramatic will occur that will serve as a much-needed wake-up call and push you to take action. Prepare to seize fresh opportunities. This month, you have a chance to get out of a long-standing, dismal circumstance.

Pisces (February 19 - March 20):

Are you ready for a spectacular and lovely month ahead? Good! The Star is granting us our wishes, making our dreams come true, and showering us with good fortune. This is the month to take steps toward your most passionate dream. Right now, magic can happen. Make a list of things you actually want, picture it occurring to you, and then act on it. Get ready for a fantastic month.


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