Weekly Tarotscopes by the Tarot Priestess(19th - 25th April)

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By Mahasweta Mazumder

Aries (March 21 - April 20):

The Lovers represents love in all its forms. This includes relationships with lovers, friends, family, and especially yourself. The Lovers bring inner balance and peace. They represent the different aspects of you which must be brought into harmony in order to regain perspective. The Lovers card also represents choices. It reminds us that we can heal any situation and free ourselves from suffering, whenever we choose to view it through the eyes of authentic love.

Taurus (April 21 - May 21):

This week is a good week to rest, meditate, go within and wait things out. The Moon tarot card suggests that if you are trying to make a decision wait until there is more information. There is a time for action and being outgoing and a time for stillness and quiet reflection to raise a time for quiet. Instead of listening to the many voices around you tune into the soft inner voice of your intuition. The Moon tarot card also symbolizes the subconscious and dreams. What themes have been showing up in your dreams lately? This can be a powerful key to unlocking your subconscious issues.

Gemini (May 22 - June 21):

The Ten of Wands tells you to stop identifying so much with your responsibilities and busyness since they don't make you who you are. Do you feel stressed and overwhelmed, but fear that dropping a few responsibilities will make you a lesser person? Or that you won't be as important if lots of people aren't relying on you. The message here is that joy and satisfaction don't come from lots of doing and striving but from noticing what you already have and simply just being in the moment.

Cancer (June 22 - July 22):

The Fool is a traveler who sets out on his grand adventure without a map trusting that life will lead him in the right direction and everything will turn out splendidly. He represents the adventurer's joyful and carefree spirit within all of us. The Fool can be a bit naive. For example, he is the guy who gets all fired up about some bizarre business idea and puts all of his life's savings and energies into it. He may turn out to be a millionaire or a broke but he will always trust his instinct and follow his heart.

Leo (July 23 - August 23):

The Page of Pentacles speaks to the student within you, the lifelong learner that loves learning new skills and reading countless books. This week is about fully immersing yourself in learning something for its own sake. Don't learn to better yourself, learn because it's fun because it lets you be in the moment. Take an inquisitive approach to problems and challenges this week. Do your research before making a decision. And don't assume to know how another person feels. When it comes to being creative, don't let inexperience hold you back. So what if your artwork or music sucks. Keep at it and you will get way better than you ever thought it was possible. Be willing to experiment this week.

Virgo (August 24 - September 22):

The Ten of Wands is here to tell you to lighten up and stop taking on more responsibilities than you need to. You may feel crushed by the weight of society, but you should know that it is mostly you who is piling all this pressure on. Your best elf will not shine through if you are feeling limited and exhausted by all those taks. It is time for a break. If you have a guilt complex, you may feel like you need to be busy in order to be good, or that unless your work is hard and stressful, you are lazy and therefore a bad person but this is not true. The Ten of Wands is here to tell you that you are taking on more than is necessary. The world will not collapse if you stop doing everything and taking care of everyone.

Libra (September 23 - October 23):

So the true message of this card is that we are responsible for our own joy and pleasure, no one else is. Don't wait for someone to come along and brighten your week. If you are single, enjoy your life, body, and mind to the best of your abilities and it won't be long before someone is powerfully drawn to you. If you are in a relationship, notice if you are resenting your partner, because they fail to fulfill all your wishes and make you happy all the time, let them off the hook and make it your mission to make your own dreams to come true.

Scorpio (October 24 - November 22):

Plans that you have made previously are showing signs of movement, positive progress, completion of a stage. Life experiences are often incremental in their intensity, which also means you need to be ready for the next stage. This is a happy card and so a nice week is before you. Even if the completion involves unpleasant business, at least you know it's coming to an end. Allow yourself to celebrate even a little and enjoy the feelings of a job well done and a life moving forward for that is the best use of the week. 

Sagittarius (November 23 - December 21):

The Eight of Cups symbolizes leaving something behind in order to find deeper fulfillment and meaning. When something becomes old and outworn such as a job, a relationship, pay system, or goal it is important to recognize when it is no longer helping you to expand and grow so that you can move on with your journey. You are a traveler always in search of that which makes you come alive and blossom. Part of you realizes that security of an equal stagnancy and you will not settle for a life of dull predictability. The Eight of Cups suggests that you may have worked hard to achieve whatever it is that you are leaving behind. But you would rather wander off into the unknown than to remain doing something familiar yet unfulfilling for the sake of comfort.

Capricorn (December 22 - January 20):

The Three of Pentacles exemplifies work that is worthwhile and meaningful. In order to excel at it, you must be patient with the learning process. This means being open to making mistakes and not giving up when setbacks happen. What skills are you currently learning? Are you expecting yourself to be perfect? Recall your passion for the skills you are owning. The Three of Pentacles can also foretell the beginning an area of study or the acquisition of important knowledge which will have long-term implications for your future. Be patient with the learning process. 

Aquarius (January 21 - February 18):

Seven of Swords means you or someone connected to you wants to be a lone wolf. A lone wolf is someone who runs alone and free, acting totally on his own. This is a card that indicates separation from others. You may feel you are most effective when you are alone. You wish to ignore the fumbling efforts of your group and assert your independence. This style of working in isolation is only effective for some people because most of us need to have a commitment from others to be productive. The Seven of Swords can also signify running away from commitments and responsibilities. There is a need to face what needs to be faced head-on. One just can't wish problems away. Procrastination doesn't work. There is a need to deal with all your problems.

Pisces (February 19 - March 20):

This card suggests that self-defeating thoughts may threaten to overwhelm you, keeping you blind to reality. Remember that things are not really how they seem when you are in a negative mindset. And if you find yourself feeling helpless or even just confused, your task for this week is to pinpoint the negative thought, causing you stress and finding a way to turn those thoughts around. Take the time to question your thoughts. Are they really true? How might they be untrue, how might the opposite of those miserable thoughts be true?  As you unravel your limiting thoughts and belief, the veil will lift and you will become truly free.

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