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How do you reduce screen time for yourself and everyone at home?

Girls Buzz
Girls Buzz

Asked on Aug. 11, 2023 | 3 Responses

Reducing screen time for everyone at home. It's a challenge, right?

Here are a few practical tips to help you achieve a healthier digital lifestyle.

Create Tech-Free Zones: Designate specific areas where screens are not allowed. Encourage face-to-face conversations and activities that promote human connection.

Set Screen Time Limits: Use parental controls or screen time apps to track and manage device usage. Find a healthy balance between digital engagement and other important activities.

Encourage Outdoor Activities: Promote screen-free outdoor activities like walking, sports, and gardening. They boost fitness, improve mood, and enhance well-being. Enjoy them as a family!

Explore Alternative Leisure Activities: Embrace non-digital fun! Read, play board games, create art, and explore hobbies. Switch things up for a healthier break from screens.

How about you all? Any tips or strategies you follow for reducing screen time at your place?


Answered on Sept. 9, 2023 | 0 Likes

Encouraging your child to engage in outdoor activities is an excellent way to reduce screen time. Summer is the perfect time to get outside and explore nature, so take advantage of it!  love language test    Plan fun outdoor activities such as bike rides, picnics, hiking, swimming or playing games in the park An increase in screen time is directly linked to a decrease in activity levels in our children. By reducing your child's screen time and establishing good screen time habits you can lower their risk of obesity later in life. Like adults, kids only have so many hours in the day.

Swati Gupta
Swati Gupta

Answered on Dec. 8, 2023 | 0 Likes

 have a few for you guys:

  1. Some phones (mine is Samsung) has an Accessibility function that allows you to turn your phone Gray-scale. There is a MASSIVE difference to your brain.

  2. Use your "focus mode" function on your phone.

  3. Use an App blocker on top of your focus mode app.

  4. Put the Apps you don't want to use in a folder, put that folder far from your home screen. Name the Folder "Useless Garbage" so you remind yourself every time you click it.

I have ADD and I'm 100% addicted to those apps, but doing these 4 steps helps guaranteed.


Answered on March 1, 2024 | 0 Likes

For instance, this study found that those spending six hours or more per day watching screens had a  sign language alphabet  higher risk for depression, and this study found that limiting social media use to 30 minutes per day lead to a "significant improvement in well-being." The type and quality of screen time also play a role. hours of screen time is almost 60% of your available time on any given day. Yes, that is too much. According to research studies, 2–4 hours of daily screen time is the perfect amount. This will help you maintain a healthy balance, both for your physical body (your eyes especially) and your mental state.
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