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If you were in school.....

Girls Buzz
Girls Buzz

Asked on July 17, 2021 | 3 Responses

Hi friends!
We all have seen how the physical classes in schools have stopped due to the current situation. Some of us even have kids who haven't been to school physically since more than a year as they are in primary classes!
But here we want to know one thing that YOU would have really missed if you were still in your school today and unable to attend it physically? Irrespective of whether you were a naughty student or a very sincere student, whether you were a teacher's pet or a trouble-maker, there ought to be something which you still remember from those golden days. Let's travel back to those lovely childhood school days and think of that one unique thing which you would have been really missing on!


#childhoodmemories #schooldays


Answered on July 18, 2021 | 1 Like

Wow! This just brought back so many of the lovely memories of the golden days I spent in school. If I were to quote just one thing that I miss the most from school days, it would be eating our lunch during classes before recess sitting at the back corner seat with our gang!


Answered on July 23, 2021 | 0 Likes

I attended a school that inculcated spiritual activities in the daily curriculum. I miss those meditation and yoga sessions that were regularly conducted. Also, I miss the chit-chat with my school friends during lunch break.


Answered on July 28, 2022 | 1 Like

I used to bunk classes and get wet in the water sprinklers!

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