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Girls Buzz
Girls Buzz

Asked on July 4, 2021 | 1 Response

This time we need maximum Immunity and positivity to fight against coronavirus. And Yoga is the only solution of Every problem so do yoga stay fit and healthy.
(Benefit of Yoga -
It's increases our Immunity, patience, tolerant and Confidence level, Reduces anxiety, Panic attack and depression. Yoga makes us diseases( for example:- diabetes, asthma etc.) free. Give us mental and physical strength.


Padma Mondal
Padma Mondal

Answered on July 4, 2021 | 1 Like

This time we need maximum Immunity and positivity to fight against coronavirus. And Yoga is the only solution of Every problem so do yoga stay fit and healthy.
(Benefit of Yoga -
It's increases our Immunity, patience, tolerant and Confidence level, Reduces anxiety, Panic attack and depression. Yoga makes us diseases( for example:- diabetes, asthma etc.) free. Give us mental and physical strength.

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