5 Self-Care Practices That Keep Me Thriving

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How have you been?

How often do you ask yourselves this question? Surely, much less than the times you ask your loved ones!

Practicing self-care is not just a gift to you, yourselves. It is a gift for everyone in your life. Your loved ones, friends, and family. Because a cared you, a pampered you, will always make a BETTER YOU. A better you will most certainly be the best you for the people important to you in your life.

We think we need to do a lot to make our people happy. We constantly juggle to try many different ways for that. Well, the secret is simple. If you manage yourselves well and your life, there is nothing more your true loved ones would need from you. They would just require your health, happiness, prosperity, and company. Indeed, there is no other rocket science.

It all starts with YOU.

Start living your life like it is meant to be lived. Always treat thy self as the main character. This is an act of self-love and self-care; not selfishness at all.

Make time to do things that make you happy, glowing, thriving, and vibing. Align your needs with the needs of your loved ones and let nobody’s needs take a back seat. Your own needs, never.

On this note, let me tell you about a couple of practices, I do to take care of myself. Practicing these things bring me peace and tranquility. I would love to know your self-care practices in the comments below. Let us all normalize, talking about what makes you/US, YOU/US. Rather, what makes you/US the BEST YOU/US.

1. My Diary

I have become a completely different person since the day, I have begun writing in my diary. It has been a game-changer for me. I do not write every day as a ritual, discipline, or something. I write whenever my heart wishes.

There is no particular method of writing in it, or a particular interval of time to write in it. I write my gratitude, problems, emotions, and everything in it. I strongly feel it has improved my emotional health and mental peace has drastically improved following this practice. It has made me completely self-reliant emotionally. I talk to the superpower above and my conscience inside through this diary. This makes me dependent on no one to talk to, listen to, or have a conversation with when I am low. My diary has become my go-to person now.

How to Write A Diary

2. Spending time in Nature

Nothing makes me feel so liberated than spending time in nature. It heals you so subtly. Numerous scientific facts would second my thought here, but what I am saying is just personal experience. Being in the lap of nature makes your heart smile.

Living in a city often doesn’t leave you that scope of being in the lap of nature every day. What I follow is going to my terrace and making the most of it. Watching the moon, star gazing, the sky changing colors, and birds chirping, is my miniature of a landscape. I try and do that often, especially on weekends. Watering my house plants is also something I enjoy very much.

Spending Time In Nature - Maria Erving

3. Doing my skincare routine

I love pampering my skin with the goodness of our Nani-Dadi k nuskhas. They are just the best. Doing my skincare gives a boost to my mood because my skin feels better. I am obsessed with trying new body care products like scrubs, body wash, moisturizers, etc. I love pampering my body with these goodies once a week or whenever I got time. Taking care of my body and skin makes me feel good about myself.

10 Skincare Solutions You Should Always Have on Hand

4. Buying gifts for my loved ones

I can’t explain the joy I get buying gifts for people close to me. I gift my people for no obvious reason or occasion. I shop better for others than myself, I often joke about that. I am constantly noting and observing my people what they are talking about, what is on their wish list, and everything just because, I can get them that the next time I want to gift them. It does hurt my pockets, but you can always balance out right. Why seize yourself of any joy in life?

Great Ideas for Inexpensive Homemade Gifts

5. Allowing myself to say no

This is a new practice, have not mastered it yet but doing much better than before. Allow yourselves to say no without carrying the baggage of regret later. Everyone has inherited the right of saying no to something that they don’t want to do just like other basic rights. Why is that so difficult for us to follow through we all need to figure out.

We all agree that saying no is not a crime, is not being rude, is not being a bad person. Then why do we lack to say no? We all come across stuff like saying no is an art and all that. Saying no is not art. Saying no is something that should come naturally to everyone for the things they want to say no to. I have initiated this practice and I am hoping I will master this ART, someday.

Learning The Art Of Saying No

Stick to your self-care practices forever

Keep making necessary changes in your self-care practices as and when you feel the need, but make sure you stick to this way of living forever. Because only your best self can offer the best of everything to the people you love. There is no other way!

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