Got Cervical Problem? These 5 Yoga Poses for Cervical Pain Can Help

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By Ruchi Sharma

Has increased screen time and use of mobile led to constant neck pain for you? The last few years have brought a drastic change in our lifestyles. With increased dependency on gadgets and staying constantly in the same place and in the same position, the increased pressure on the neck could be one of the reasons for cervical issues. If you ever had some neck injury or your age is above 60, the chances of wear and tear of bones and cartilage in your neck are even higher. Doctors suggest some exercises, so is yoga good for cervical pain? Yes, it is! With simple yoga neck exercises, you can manage cervical neck pain or even avoid it.

P.S.: Always practise yoga under expert supervision when you are new to it. Also follow the doctor's advice strictly and avoid doing any exercises without consulting the doctor first!

Here are 5 Yoga Asanas for Cervical Pain

  1. Child’s Pose (Balasana)

The pose not only helps in relaxing the neck and back but also aids in reducing any kind of mental tension, stress or anxiety issues. You can easily do it following the steps given in the above video.

  1. Sukhasana variation 2

Involving easy positions, it is one of the simplest yoga asanas yet super effective for spondylitis problems. There are multiple variations of this asana that you can follow. This one involves support to the neck  and helping the stiff muscles to relax.  

Here’s how to do Sukhasana variation 2:

  1. Sit in any comfortable position (Ideal position will be to sit cross legged and keep your back straight).
  2. Keep your back straight and inhale while taking your hands up to the back of your head.
  3. Interlock your fingers at the back of your head.
  4. Hold the position for 30 seconds.
  5. Slowly bring your hands back down and repeat a few more times.


  1. Sitting Half spinal twist (half fish pose) also known as Ardha Matsyendrasana

Long sitting hours and constantly staring at the screen in the same position can make your neck muscles extremely stiff. When we talk about yoga for cervical pain and headaches, this yoga asana would not only help in improving the flexibility of your neck but it enhances the flexibility of the entire spinal column.

  1. Ustrasana (Camel Pose)

This is a back bending yoga pose that not only helps with neck pain but can also aid in better digestion. The stretching on the neck can help in reducing the cervical tension and also help in strengthening shoulder muscles.

  1. Cat Cow Pose

When we talk about yoga poses for cervical spondylosis, this asana is quite effective. It helps in relieving back aches and also aids in improving the flow of blood to the head. The stretching helps in relieving any tension in the neck or the upper back area. 

Avoid doing any yoga asanas or exercises if you feel excessive neck pain or are uncomfortable while doing it.

Now that you know about yoga for neck pain, you can easily alleviate the cervical pain issues. Has practising yoga asanas helped you with something? Do share with us in the comments section below.

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Which yoga asanas help in cervical pain?
Here are 5 Yoga Asanas for Cervical Pain<ol><li>Child’s Pose (Balasana)</li><li>Sukhasana variation 2</li><li>Sitting Half spinal twist (half fish pose) also known as Ardha Matsyendrasana</li><li>Ustrasana (Camel Pose)</li><li>Cat Cow Pose</li></ol>