Daily Tarotscopes by the Tarot Priestess - April 4, 2021

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By Mahasweta Mazumder

Aries(March 21- April 20):

Judgement tells a story of transition but it is not a sudden change of bond or love for intuition, but change that springs from reason. It signifies plans of a long in the making coming to fruition. If it points towards the future, it may also speak to us the nature of the change. If there is a choice that needs to be made, think deeply and let your mind guide the decision.

Taurus(April 21- May 21):

Dark and foreboding, the Tower is the embodiment of disruption and conflict. Not just change but the abrupt and jarring movement caused by unforeseen and traumatic events are part of life. The Tower in your spread is always a threat but life inevitably involves tragedy and you must decide whether you will face it with grace or not.

Gemini(May 22- June 21):

This card is cause for fear for any who believe in the power of the card. You should prepare yourself for whatever it suggests. It is one of the many cards which can represent disaster. Unlike others, this card predicts a disaster that cannot be avoided. It foretells not only a complete failure but an unavoidable one. What is more, the failure will not be small or easily overcome. This is not a fortune to be changed or avoided, only endured. If you stay strong, new dreams can be built from the ashes.

Cancer(June 22- July 22):

This card speaks strongly to your inner self. It is trying to tell you about your unconscious or the realms of your imagination. Your hopes, dreams and unrealized aspiration are fear gained to the Seven of Cups. It speaks of a deep confusion or a lack of understanding of your true motivations by your conscious mind. It is time to look carefully look at your own motivation and re-examine your goals. But it is also a risky time to act upon your conclusion.

Leo (July 23- August 23):

Queen of Swords represents a very perceptive individual; sharp, bitter and professionally distant. You will most likely find her to be your aid and counsel possibly a teacher. Not necessarily female but likely to be. This person should be trusted and may take an interest in you. But that interests unlikely to be romantic, a powerful ally. Respect her intelligence and you will be rewarded with guidance.

Virgo (August 24- September 22):

You come up against the powers that be whether religious, corporate or family. This clash of belief systems help you clarify your own position. A counsellor, teacher or parent offers orthodox advice or guidance that drives you nuts. Ultimately you make your own decisions and find a way to incorporate your ideas into the existing structure.

Libra (September 23- October 23):

Something is hidden in your life, a mystery or a secret eludes you. Answer may be found in your memories or dreams of the past. Rely more on intuition than intellect. Remain open to information that flows from your unconscious. The High Priestess may represent a mysterious woman in a man’s life who remains aloof and detached from emotional involvement. In a woman’s life she represents intuition. 

Scorpio (October 24- November 22):

A fresh start or new beginning, expect the unexpected. You take risks that shock the people who know you best but you are indifferent to their criticism. You believe that all things are possible if you trust your instinct. Plunge ahead and don’t worry about consequences. The fool is definitely right brained.

Sagittarius (November 23- December 21):

It is one of the more negative cards to discover in your spread. Nine of swords describes a powerful mental anguish. The source of this anguish may well be within you, arising from you being too quick to cast a negative light on your action or ability. It may also arise from paranoia. Despite often being unfounded, your pain can often take the form of sleeplessness, fear, depression, loneliness, isolation. Beware pushing away those who are seeking to help you and find the courage to reach out for help. 

Capricorn( December 22- January 20):

In this position it indicates that you are facing a disastrous situation, with no other choice other than to accept it. It may also mean backstabbing by someone close to you resulting in utter shock and emotional breakdown. This card suggests that you take the hit as it would not be possible to reverse the circumstances. If you see from positive angle, sufferings and losses are gradually coming to an end, giving you a chance to make a fresh start. So stop victimising and face the challenge.

Aquarius(January 21-February 18):

The strength could mean that you believe in yourself taking each thing one at a time rather than making haste. You can control an unpleasant situation with your gentle behaviour and maturity. Your exceptional stamina and persistence helps to endure life’s obstacles and emerge as a winner. You overlook imperfections and give space to others for improvement. The Strength card’s advice to you is to realise your inner strength and let go of your negative emotions, shrouding your self belief at present. 

Pisces(February 19- March 20):

The card indicates that you are finding fun, excitement and happiness in everything and trying to shut your eyes to the hardship and challenges lying ahead. It could be some fear that is making you overcome the reality and pushing you to the world of fantasy. Try to draw a line between real and unreal as you may lose a golden opportunity while laying idle and daydreaming. Face disappointments, rejections and failure but don’t submit yourself to the temporary pleasures without understanding the truth. 

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