Finding Happiness

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Hannah learns life has its own beauty through various events in her life. 

Hannah walked around the house looking for her six year old son, Luca. She went out for grocery shopping only to come back and see all the things were out of place and scattered everywhere and that naughty little hurricane of her son was definitely hiding somewhere after creating all this mess. She knew her son was as sly as fox for he never lets her know his hiding spot or finds a new place each time she finds it. 

"Luca, come out of your hiding spot till I count to five. " She said knowing it would be a waste of time to try look for him. Just as she starting counting, a paper plane came flying out of nowhere and hit her stomach. Hannah crouched down, picked it and stood up only to find her son standing in front of her grinning like a cheshire Cat. 

"Now, help me clean all this mess you've made, buddy." She said tossing the paper plane to him. 

"Okie, mummy." He chirped happily like he always does. After cleaning and placing everything at its right place, they both flopped down on couch and Luca switched the Television on. 

"Woah!! I'm so tired." Luca said wiping his non existent sweat. Hannah scoffed at his overdramatic self and looked at him. Luca was an exact replica of her husband, late husband, Jason. 

Hannah and Jason studied at the same college and they were great friends until Jason fell in love with her and proposed her. She rejected him and broke her friendship with him even though she loved him too. Hannah was an orphan and grew up in a toxic environment. She feared his parents wouldn't accept her or worse she would ruin Jason's relationship with his parents for wanting to marry a girl like her. But boy! Was she wrong. They accepted her with open arms. No matter how much she lied to Jason, he would figure it out. She was treated badly by people back then and thought everyone was same but Jason made her see that there were good people in this world too. He helped fight her fear and made her confident about herself. 

They got married and were happy in their lives. But the happiness didn't last long. Three years later to their marriage, Jason was diagnosed by cancer and couldn't survive it. 

A soft snore snapped her out of her reverie. She looked down to see Luca sleeping in her lap. She carried him to his room and tucked him in his bed. 

Hannah went to her room and sat down on her bed. Taking a deep breath, she opened the drawer of her side table and took out the last letter Jason wrote for her. 


                           I don't know if you will find this letter or not. But I just hope you find this. By the time you read this letter, I guess I would be gone from this world. My journey here in this world is coming to an end and don't be sad about it. I want to do so many things with you and I don't have much time life left with me. But I will cherish this last few days with you in the best possible ways. I made you confident to face your fears but with me beside you. I won't be there anymore. I don't want you to go back to your old self, you are strong enough to face your fears alone, my beautiful wife. 

                                           I know it must be hard for you and I can't even bring myself to imagine myself in your place. But this is just a phase, a bad phase and it shall pass soon. I know I am an important part of your life but I can't be with you anymore even if I want to. There would be times when you would feel defeated at times and would want to give up. But just hold on a little, I am sure there's someone out there who would come for you. There would be much more things destiny would've in store for you. You have to live for yourself or atleast for me. Every single person lose their loved ones yet they live. This how life works, life just goes on. It's the beauty of life. Every beauty has its own flaw. Just like every other thing that flaunts it's beauty despite it's flaw. Life does too. Life has, is and will always be beautiful. You just have to find it. Find your happiness and enhance your life with it. Love it, cherish it and live it like i did. I have no regrets, I lived my happily, Hannah. Everytime you miss me, think of our beautiful memories and smile big. Okay, I'll stop now, I must be boring you ;). Everyday spent with you was beautiful and special. Thank you for being my best friend and wife. Thank you for sharing days of happiness, joy, sadness and tears with me. Thank you for sharing a part of your life with me. Thank you for everything you did for me. And lastlty, I love you so much, Hannah, that I highly doubt that this eight letter words would do justice to the amount of love I have for you. 

With love,

Your husband, Jason. 

"Thank you too for being my best friend,husband and father of my child. I wish I could say this to you. But I'll make sure Luca grows to be a wonderful human like you." Tears escapee her eyes as she read his letter for God knows how many times. She tried to end her life in her college days but Jason stopped her. If not for him, she would've missed the opportunity of being his wife. Just like that, days after he passed away, life was hard for her and she decided to commit suicide. But luckily found his letter, which stopped her again. This time she risked not only her life but Luca's life too. Next day, she found out she was six weeks pregnant. Her one stupid thoughtless act would've ended an innocent life too. She realized that life was beautiful but she was dwelling in her agony too much that she ignored all the blessing life had bestowed upon her. 

When Hannah read Jason's letter for first time, she didn't knew for whom she decided to live, for her or for Jason. But now she knew, she lived for herself, for Jason and for both of their precious child, Luca. 

Hannah's love for Jason was too much that she couldn't bring herself to love someone again. Luca and happy memories she made with Jason was enough for her to get going. After many struggles, she found her happiness. Hannah made her life beautiful with many flaws yet it was beautiful and she was determined to live the upcoming days of her happily and cherish it. 


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