How can you actually stick to your new year's resolutions?

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Highlights This New Year, take charge of your upcoming year by consciously making an effort to change the things you can! Build a better YOU in 2023. Happy New Year and have a great one.

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They say change is inevitable. Indeed it is! But with your new year’s resolutions, you can at least dictate the change. Determine your resolutions and stick to them all year long to take control of your upcoming year. Makes sense?

Resolutions are the American tradition originally, adapted by the world now. Well, what we all have made a tradition about this American tradition is quitting the resolution and giving up these new year’s resolutions after the first week of January. 

This year I have decided that I am not letting this golden opportunity of deciding my change go away like every year. So, here I am with my results of quality research and brainstorming as to what should be actually done to follow through with the new year's resolutions the entire year. Let’s begin.

1. Take a look back at last year 

To figure out what you want to change about your life or you in the next year, first, you need to know what you are or your life was like in the past year. If you don’t know what worked out for you and how; you cannot plan or get more of those occurrences. 

If you are making the same resolution that you did the last year, this exercise is even more important. Think about the problems that you faced while following the resolution the past year and figure out an action plan to overcome those problems. It can be financial problems, mindset problems, health issues anything.

I will just give an instance to make it more understandable. For instance, your resolution for last year was to learn a new language but you couldn’t do it because you didn’t save up for the tutor fees or manage your schedules well to spare time for learning then make sure you have these bottlenecks solved before you enter the next year. 

blocks saying january loading

2. Determine the why 

Michael Hyatt has very rightly said that you lose your way when you lose your why. Whatever your new year's resolutions are just make sure they have a why. Write it down in your journal, or an app you are using to keep a track of your resolutions. Try and refer to your resolutions written in a book or in an app once or twice a day along with your why. 

Finding Purpose

3. Prepare monthly micro goals 

Micro goals are not only your actionable plan but also the mental rewards you give yourself for achieving them. Prepare a monthly target for your new year’s resolution and again I would suggest writing it down. There is great power in writing down your goals. 

For instance, if you plan to save an X amount of rupees this year, determine the Y amount you will save every month. If you plan to lose X kilograms of weight, target Y kilograms every month. Every month solely focus on that micro goal and mark it done. The dopamine rush of achieving the previous month’s goal will push you harder for the next month’s goal. Keep doing that every month and there you go you made it in 2023!

Weekly goals

4. Find your buddy 

If you can find someone who has the same resolution as you have, it just gets easier. Having a partner will keep you excited and on track. If your new year’s resolution is to learn baking find someone who wants to do the same. It will provide you with more resources and assistance to find a great class, run to the grocery for ingredients, and everything else more fun. If your new year’s resolution is to plant 25 trees next year, sign up for a gardening class or join a green club or something that would just make this so much easier for you with great company.


5. Don’t tell people 

Contrary to the popular belief that you should tell everybody about your new resolutions for the new year, you must not. A study suggests that the social pressure of achieving something will rather make you stressed and fearful. Instead, this energy must be used in planning and focusing on your goals. The same goes for resolutions. This year make sure you keep your resolutions only to yourself so that you can actually keep up with your new year’s resolutions

The more you will remind yourself of your new year’s resolutions the more you will work towards fulfilling those. Keep reminding yourself in private and then boast about it in the next new year's bash. How’s the plan? 

Don t tell people on yellow background

6. Measure, Monitor, & Manage 

What gets measured, gets managed, - said the Marketing Veteran Peter Drucker. This is true not just for businesses or marketing, but for everything in general. Keeping track of your progress will only accelerate and enhance it.

The monthly micro goals that you have set, measure and monitor them timely so that if any improvisations are needed, they can be done timely. 

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7. Build discipline not motivation 

What I have understood or learned from listening, hearing, and reading life stories and interviews of super-successful people is that motivation is temporary, and discipline is permanent. Motivation may bring you energy and enthusiasm, but only discipline will help you sustain your habits, energy, and routines. Fix your habits, and get disciplined to stick to your new year's resolution in every way that is required. 

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Closing words

Don’t go around asking your friends and family about what’s your new year's resolution or looking over the web for new year's resolution ideas. Identify one thing you would really like to change about yourself or for that matter add to yourself. Be genuinely honest with yourself and passionate about that and make a meaningful change in your life. 

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