How I Married My Celebrity Crush

4 minute

Highlights This blog is a fictional story which is completely based on the imagination of the author which also includes some bits inspired from her real life.

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It was a beautiful sunny afternoon. I typically take a nap after lunch, but today I chose to clean our room's cabinets. When I started cleaning the wardrobe, I discovered my engagement and wedding albums. I questioned how it got here and assumed my husband had kept it because he dislikes putting things back where they belong. I was about to put them back when a photograph fell on the floor, and I immediately smiled as I picked it up.


Because of my health concerns, I took a break after graduating with a degree in Food, Nutrition, and Dietetics. Dealing with these challenges left me physically and emotionally exhausted, and I was unable to concentrate on anything, including studying new topics and internship applications.

After 8 months of recovery, I applied for and completed a couple of internships. After that, I took a job as a junior nutritionist at a diet clinic in Mumbai. This diet clinic also provides online services, in which the chief dietitian assigns clients to us and we must work accordingly. 

She told me one day that she had assigned me the case of a guy who wanted to gain weight. I was surprised when she gave me his details. He was a popular YouTuber who, along with his friend, operates three YouTube channels, and the most important thing is that I had a huge crush on him, not just because of his good looks, but also because of his innocence and simplicity.

It was the day of his scheduled consultation. I was nervous at first because it was a video call, but I gradually relaxed. He was already on a gym diet, but he wasn't happy with it because it wasn't particularly long-lasting. I recognised his worry and I explained each and every thing to him. He complimented me on my explanation style and thanked me for it. After that I provided him with the diet plan to follow. We need to follow up with our clients on a frequent basis to determine if it's working for them. After 15 days, I scheduled a follow-up appointment with him to discuss how his diet plan was going, to which he responded that he was loving it. Because he had purchased a three-month premium membership, he had direct access to his nutritionist (myself) via WhatsApp, where he could text me at any moment with questions. He had a few questions about diet, which I was pleased to answer. We soon felt fairly comfortable with each other, not only as Nutritionist-Client, but also as friends as he was only two years older than me. 

He eventually got the results after three months of sticking to the plan and following a regular exercise routine, and he was very happy. He kept in touch with me via WhatsApp even after his programme ended, and we spoke once a week casually. We became close friends and began to share our interests and dislikes. I even explained how I came upon their channel and how much I enjoy their stuff. He even wished me on my birthday, which was a very memorable wish for that year. I got to know him well during our chat, not as a famous YouTuber, but as a person, and trust me, he was such a sweet human being that I fell even harder for him.

Months went by. We're still in touch with each other. We were casually conversing one day when he unexpectedly proposed to me. I was delighted and taken aback at the same time. I assumed he was joking as to why a well-known figure like him would like me. He wasn't joking, though. He left me a voice note indicating he wasn't kidding when he said he loved me. I was so delighted, but didn't respond right away. I calmly requested him some time to consider my options, and he agreed.

Only because my parents were strict, I took two days to consider the proposal. But I already knew my answer. I accepted his proposal, and our long-distance relationship began thereafter. Only my sisters were aware of it. But after two months, I decided to tell my parents because I don't want to hide things from them. They were furious at first, but I tried my hardest to explain things to them, and they eventually agreed. His parents are likewise aware of our connection and had no objections to it. Both of our parents were supportive, and we were so happy.

We only met in person a few times because he was busy as a YouTuber and so was I with my career and a few other things and also he lived in a proper metro city in Mumbai and I lived far away from it, but the meetings were always memorable. People say that opposites attract, but as we got to know each other, we discovered that we had a lot in common. One of them is that we are both very private people who avoid oversharing our personal lives on social media. It is not always a pleasant life, we experienced many ups and downs during our relationship, but we were both wise enough to deal with them and supported each other in whatever we did. 

After two years, my parents expressed an interest in seeing his parents. His parents agreed. They came to our house, which was a really significant occasion for us. They quickly grew comfortable with each other and were having a good time. Then they started talking about our marriage. The very next moment we both looked at each other and blushed. His younger brother, who was holding his phone at the time, instantly snapped a photo of our blushing.

The flashback ends

This was the same photo of ours which I was holding and it was very special because it marked the beginning of our lives together. My husband, who was having his afternoon nap, woke up and noticed me smiling. He approached me, saw the photograph, and instantly remembered the story behind it. Then we both looked at each other, smiling and recalling the moments. 



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