Importance of being independent & living separately at least once in your life

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Living independently can take some adjusting but can be a very liberating experience in life. From living by your own rules to adjusting to a couple of ‘first time experiences’ - living alone has its own perks and drawbacks but it is definitely a must do for every individual.

For anyone looking forward to living alone or contemplating their decision, here are some reasons why living independently is super cool and why you should definitely try it at least once!

Reading a book

1. You are in control

There’s nothing better than leading your life by your rules and making your own decisions. Surely, we all need advice and guidance when it comes to important things but when you live alone, all the decisions are yours to make and that itself gives you a sense of control. Living alone and dictating all the small and big things in your daily life can really help boost the  confidence and belief you have in yourself. 


2. You learn to appreciate your company

As much as we might work on enjoying our own company, living with our family makes us too comfortable with human presence. Most of us are not used to coming back to an empty house or even eating alone. Living independently compels us to experience these things. From waking up by ourselves (since we know our moms won’t be a backup option for our alarms) to cooking and eating alone - we learn to appreciate and get comfortable in our own company. This not only helps us with overcoming the feeling of loneliness but also improves the relationship we build with ourselves. 


3. It is a fulfilling experience

If you have decided to live by yourself, you most probably also try to manage all your expenses independently. Fulfillment often comes through achieving things that one works hard towards. In this case- living alone. It is possible you’ve been saving up and cutting expenses to finally rent out a pretty place and live by yourself. Once it actually happens (surely overwhelming at first), the feeling might be truly fulfilling. So although it might not come easily or naturally and there might surely be a lot of roadblocks after you move in alone- but nothing beats the feeling of fulfillment. You might have checked one thing off your list! 


4. Financial Independence 

Imagine not having to explain any of your expenses to anybody but yourself. (However, we do  strongly suggest being mindful of your spending as living alone might be tough to manage initially) Financial Independence is something that we all desire and living alone almost pushes us to being more and more financially independent- which is great to be honest! Financial independence requires stability and comes with the perk of independent financial planning. You can plan to your heart’s desire and the only person accountable- will be you. 


5. Helps you be more disciplined

Believe it or not but living alone really demands discipline. Imagine having to leave for work at 9 but you also need to make time for cooking and eating your breakfast- you will automatically have to be up by 7 in order to get ready, cook, clean and eat peacefully and not eat hurriedly on the way. Anybody can be punctual when most of their menial tasks are done by others (parents or the househelp generally) but living alone truly brings out the disciplined ninja in you!


6. Freedom

I don’t know about you guys but there has always been a curfew time for us (and it's not very pleasing or fair). Living alone truly gives you the pass to do whatever you want. Again, if you procrastinate using this privilege and pile up on the important things - the only person answerable is you. 

Living by yourself allows you to come and go as you like, do whatever you feel like doing in your leisure time and not really worry about being lectured on it. Freedom might also mean inviting over only the people/friends you actually enjoy with and just spending quality time with yourself as well as your loved ones. It is truly a liberating and happy feeling. 


7. Privacy and peace

Living alone affords a lot of privacy and personal space. You do not really have to care about the way you live or manage things. You can choose how to spend your ‘me time’ without being worried about judgement. Not having people around to judge you can really build a free setting. The peace and quiet around the house can help you balance your thoughts and make decisions solely on your opinions and recover from the stress of work/study/chores.


8. Build your space

You love the flower vase in the centre on the table but your mom prefers it alongside the sofa and your sister does not really prefer a vase at all? 

Living by yourself gives you the liberty to design and build up your space as you love. Creating a setting that makes you happy can make a big difference in the way you lead your life. There is nothing better than to sit back on your couch and just admire the little things around your house that make you happy.


9. No compromises 

Living with people often means co-existing. Surely, even after living alone you have to ultimately co-exist in society but within the walls of your home- you are the boss. Living by yourself means no disagreements, no adjusting to everybody's schedule, nobody’s choices come in your way and your choices do not have to be defined by others. Things remain as you leave them and there is no room for compromising either your personal space or your time.

Humans are social animals. Our ideas of solitude may differ and the thought of living alone might not excite or motivate everyone. However the preconceived linkage of living alone and being lonely is not always the case. A lot of people who live alone often spend most of their time surrounded by other people (colleagues/friends). Living alone can be a very unique experience that pulls you out of your comfort zone. It helps you learn more about yourself and makes you a lot more aware and responsible!

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Can living alone be a fulfilling experience?
If you have decided to live by yourself, you most probably also try to manage all your expenses independently. Fulfillment often comes through achieving things that one works hard towards. In this case- living alone. It is possible you’ve been saving up and cutting expenses to finally rent out a pretty place and live by yourself. Once it actually happens (surely overwhelming at first), the feeling might be truly fulfilling. So although it might not come easily or naturally and there might surely be a lot of roadblocks after you move in alone- but nothing beats the feeling of fulfillment. You might have checked one thing off your list!