Infertility And Women: Everything You Need to Know

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Infertility and Women is a crucial subject. But do you know there are ways to improve fertility and reproduce? Here you will find everything you need to know. So, read on.

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Do you ever realize, because of our busy schedules and waiting for an older age to conceive, we women are affecting our fertility? The whole process of producing a fertilized egg and conception becomes even more difficult with age. 

Yes! This is the case. 

I know that there are millions of women out there who have been trying for years to be parents but are failing. And FYI, in India, 50-60% of infertile cases are recorded to happen in females as compared to men. 

You must be juggling with queries like:

What is the reason behind this increase in female infertility? 

How does it happen? 

What are the possible solutions?

How to take care of reproductive health?

Down here you will find answers to your questions. So, read on. 

What are the symptoms of infertility in Women?

Well! To be honest, it is hard to define symptoms of infertility in females in comparison to men. However, it’s not like you can’t analyze it. Some of the most common symptoms can be:

  • Not being able to conceive

You must be having unprotected sexual intercourse for more than 1 year. But if you still don’t get pregnant, there can’t be any bigger sign of infertility. 

  • Periodic imbalance

Many women are dealing with an imbalance of the period cycle. Just so you know, if you are having periods within 15 days and less or 35 days and more, you may be infertile.

  • No periods or heavy periods

It may seem common if sometimes you miss your periods. But the truth is, if it happens to you frequently, it’s time for a quick fertility check. On the other hand, if your periods are too heavy or too painful for long days and are disturbing your routine, it’s another sign. 

  • Hormonal fluctuation

Hormonal imbalance in women is another big issue of lost fertility. So, if you experience skin-related issues, reduced sex drive, increasing growth of facial hair, and unnecessary weight gain, do visit a professional. 

  • Painful sex

During the first few times, sex can be slightly painful. However, if painful sex is pretty often, don’t take it lightly because it can be a sign of endometriosis, hence female infertility. 

What do you need to reproduce?

We all are well-familiar with the process of reproduction and what it takes to give birth. But if you have missed out on anything, here are some essentials. 

  • A woman must ovulate to conceive. This is where the role of the conception calendar comes in.  
  • Your partner MUST produce healthy sperms.
  • Regular and unprotected sexual intercourse is required during the best time to conceive. 
  • Open fallopian tubes are necessary because that’s where sperm meets the egg.  
  • A healthy uterus is essential because that’s where the embryo grows into a baby. 

What can be the real cause?

Now that we know what do we need the most for better conception, it’s time to dig into the real causes for women's infertility. As per research out there, some of the most common factors can be:

  • Ovulation disturbance

Some women ovulate irregularly and some don’t ovulate at all. In both cases, it points straight to having infertility issues. Ovulation disorder is a clear sign of hormonal dysfunction. 

What are the causes? Let’s see, there can be PCOS (Polycystic Ovary Syndrome), fluctuation in hormonal production, premature loss of eggs, and problems with pituitary glands. 

  • Damaged fallopian tube

As we have discussed before, the fallopian tube is a major necessity for conception. But if they are somehow blocked, damaged, or have some diseases, you may not be able to conceive because of that. Why? Because it may disturb the entire process of sperm and egg fusion.  

  • Endometriosis

Endometriosis can be a big hurdle. It happens when a tissue-like thing grows inside the uterus. It simply affects the lining of the uterus. Besides, if it’s treated, it may leave scars or can also block the fallopian tube. 

Not to scare you but there are still some chances to treat it. 

  • Uterine and/or cervical causes

Issues in uterine and cervical are somehow linked to infertility because they affect the implantation process. Such causes often lead to miscarriages. Diseases like fibroid, myomas, cervical stenosis, and inherited malformation are the biggest causes.

  • Unexplained reasons

Well! There are many "Unexplained reasons" too. What are they? Mostly, they are a combination of a few minor issues, age problems, or sometimes it's too late for an infertility examination. 

After these causes, you know how important it is not to miss a single sign when it comes to reproductive health. So, if you are experiencing even a few minor issues, do consult a doctor. 

Some ways to improve

Despite continuous trials and several trips to the doctor's clinic, you may not find any improvement. But do you know there are some proven ways to help you improve your fertility? Maybe not. So, here are some that will help you. 

  • Stay away from intoxication

Why do experts suggest you avoid alcohol during pregnancy? It's because your baby cannot digest alcohol as well as you can. Similarly, when it's your best time to conceive, you better not consume alcohol because it may keep you away from conception. 

  • Say NO to smoke. 

Female infertility is directly affected by smoking. Just like alcohol, smoke can kill your fertility power. So, better avoid smoking to improve your chances. 

  • Stay happy and healthy

Stress is the biggest and most non-concerned cause. This is why staying happy and having lower stress is very VERY important when you are trying to conceive. 

  • Keep an eye on weight

Too much weight and too little weight can lower your signs of fertilization. This is the reason why you must maintain your weight. Not just during your fertile days after periods but always. 

  • Control your caffeine

Any caffeine more than 200 MG is a killer of your fertile health. So, it's better to maintain a level of caffeine intake to improve your signs of fertilization. 

What is a good time to consult?

Mostly, the biggest factor to go for professional help is age. What do I mean by that? See

  • If you are under 35 years of age, you must consult a doctor after 1 year of trying. 
  • If you are somewhere between 35-40 years of age, after the period of 6 months of trying is best to consult. 
  • Women above 40 must visit the doctor right away. They will do the tests and treatment without wasting any time. 

What other signs should you have to reach out for expert help?

  • If you have any diseases, 
  • Ongoing or prior cancer treatment,
  • Any pelvic issue
  • Repeated miscarriages
  • History of reproductive issues.

Diet to improve

There are some brilliant natural remedies for hormonal imbalance in females. Especially when it comes to improving fertility. The best one? You can have foods that increase fertility in females. 

  • Weight loss/gain diet

Any diet that helps you maintain the required weight is best to improve your fertility. Besides, it's best to avoid fast food as much as you can. Otherwise, all the preservatives, oils, and other ingredients used can only contribute to weight gain. This leads to no signs of conception. 

  • Have more fruits

Studies have shown that women who don't consume fruits increase their infertility from 8% to 12%. That's too much. So, to have better fertility & to improve egg quality, better have more fruits in your diet. 

  • Seafood is the best

Couples who consume seafood tend to enjoy sex more and get pregnant faster as compared to couples who don't. Research shows how 92% of couples literally got pregnant within 1 year of a seafood-enriched diet. 

Try it out, maybe this would work wonders for you. 

  • Increase omega 3 intake

This is one dietary nutrition that comes from many ingredients out there. Most common source? Fish. Omega 3 is perfect to prevent any horrible condition that could keep you away from having a child. 

But the thing is, you must consult an expert before consuming any such nutrition. It's not like there are some side effects, but it's always best to seek expert advice. 

  • Healthy Ovulation diet

You must include more fat-rich dairy, good carbs, and protein from plants. Also, it's best to avoid any trans fat and fast food if you are having Ovulation disorder. 

For a perfect diet, you must include more fruits and vegetables in your diet. Have seafood at least 3 times a week, extra virgin oils, and more dairy products. 


Many females are experiencing female infertility symptoms. But the thing is, when women are taking good care of themselves and seeking treatment & making changes to their lifestyle and diet, they are able to get pregnant. So, the important thing is to catch on to signs and symptoms early, seek medical advice and never lose hope.

I hope you liked this article. More health tips are on their way. So, stay tuned. 

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