Monthly Tarotscope – December 2022

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Aries (March 21- April 20): Four of Swords

Aries (March 21- April 20): Four of Swords

The month of December may bring in added stress, fear, and anxiety. Some of you may feel insecurity creeping up regarding your current situation. For some of you, there is also an indication of illness, and it is important for you to rest adequately. Your family and friends are around you to support you and help you, take their help and face the situation instead of running away. Take a break, relax and bounce back. 

Career: You may have to check if you are taking too much on your plate than you can handle. If yes, you should learn to say “No.” The current condition at your workplace may be causing anxiety and insecurity for you. If so, take clarity from your seniors and plan accordingly. Talk to your team members and share your work if possible. If you are considering changing your job, this may not be the right time, so wait. 

Love/Relationship: It is a good idea to consider going out on a vacation with your partner this month to relax and get out of your stressful situation. Spend time together and share your thoughts. For singles, you may consider taking help from your family and friends in finding the right partner for you. 

Taurus (April 21- May 21): Two of Wands

Taurus (April 21- May 21): Two of Wands

Your focus for this month should be on planning. This month may mainly revolve around your career. There may be options coming your way and you will have to decide the right one for you. You are in the position where you have achieved one challenge and you are ready to take up on the other. You are in a comfortable position now and you can see your future and plan your goals. You have the ability to conquer the world. 

Career: Make use of this month to goal setting and planning your growth and progress in your organization. You must consider your past failures and achievements and chalk out a plan for your future. Some of you may plan on taking up another job and creating multiple streams of income. If you are looking for a job change, you may receive two offers. 

Love/Relationship: This month should be focused on balancing your relationship with your partner. You or your partner may be more involved in your work. Try to make adjustments to your schedule so that you can spend time together. If you are single, you may receive more than one proposal for marriage. 

Gemini (May 22- June 21): The Magician

Gemini (May 22- June 21): The Magician

This month you can focus on manifesting your dreams as you have all the tools needed to make your wish come true. Your confidence level be high, and you will be able to achieve success in all your endeavors. You will also be able to take up any challenge coming your way and also succeed. You have to be cautious not to be overpowering people around you as this may put you in a bad light.  

Career: At work, you will be more committed and dedicated this month and also handle any issues coming your way with confidence. You will be able to achieve success in all your tasks as you would have mastered your skills. There is also an indication of Name, Fame and Recognition coming your way this month with regards to your work. If you are looking for a job change, you may receive an authoritative position along with good pay and recognition. 

Love/Relationship: When it comes to relationships, you can enjoy your time with your partner and stay in a committed relation. You will be supportive of your partner, however, make sure you are not overdemanding. For those who are single, there is an indication that you will attract a successful, well-settled partner. 

Cancer (June 22- July 22): Two of Pentacles

Cancer (June 22- July 22): Two of Pentacles

This month, your focus should be on bringing balance in your lives. You are required to prioritize things and work on them accordingly, instead of working on multiple things together as this may cause imbalance and you may fall. Some of you may also get multiple options and you have to choose one of them wisely. You are also required to take care of your finances and make sure you are investing in the trusted place. 

Career: At work, you will have to plan on prioritizing your tasks and focus on completing the important task first. Try not to take more than you can handle. You may also have to try and balance your professional and personal life and not bring in your personal problems to your workplace. If you want to change your job, you may receive two offers both of which may bring in financial benefits. You may have to consider other factors too before deciding which is the right one for you.  

Love/Relationship: For those who are in relation, there may be a situation for you to decide on some important matter, especially related to your finances. You may have to take care of your spending habits. For those who are single, there is an indication of two proposals coming your way. You have to decide which one is best for you and proceed accordingly. 

Leo (July 23- August 23): King of Wands

Leo (July 23- August 23): King of Wands

King of Wands is bringing in a passionate and enthusiastic month for you. Some of you will be able to achieve an authoritative position in your life and establish yourself in the society by earning a good name and fame. You will be stable in your life and will also be ready to help people around you. You may have to take care and be cautious about your hidden enemies as they may be spreading rumors about you. 

Career: Your work this month will be stable and secure. You will be able to achieve success in your career and may reach an authoritative position. You will be motivated towards your work and also motivate your team members to complete their tasks. You can plan your goals and also execute them as planned. Be cautious of jealous people around you who may try to pull you down. 

Love/Relationship: This month will bring stability and commitment in your relationship. Your partner will be supportive and loyal towards you. You will be able to achieve success and happiness in your family life. If you are single, there is an indication that a well-settled and career-oriented partner is coming your way. Keep away your negative thoughts and see what good this relation can bring for you. 

Virgo (August 24- September 22): Three of Wands

Virgo (August 24- September 22): Three of Wands

You have gained the momentum, keep going! Your self-confidence is great this month, use it to your benefit. This card also asks you to plan for your future and have a clear vision. This month also indicates expansion and growth for some of you. There is also an indication of travel for some of you which can be in the form of holiday, vacation or work-related. This is the best month where you can bring stability in your life.  

Career: This may the best month for you in terms of career as you will be able to achieve success and growth. Your hard work will be appreciated and also rewarded appropriately. Given that you are more confident this month, you will be able to handle any kind of challenge at work. You should work on expanding your skills too so that you can stand out in the crowd. If you are looking for a job change, you may also get an offer from a foreign land. 

Love/Relationship: This month is a month of expansion in terms of family. There may be a new family member entering your life. You and your partner can also work on improving your family status. For singles, there is an indication that you may be involved in long distance relations or get a proposal from long distance. 

Libra (September 23- October 23): Two of Swords

Libra (September 23- October 23): Two of Swords

This month may bring in confusion for some of you. You may be required to take a painful decision between the two options available. There may also be uncertainty in your life. You may also get into arguments with your family or friends, so it is better that you stay away from any kind of disagreements or arguments. You may have created a perception of your own and are looking at things with a tunnel vision. 

Career: There may be increased stress and pressure at work for you this month. You may have to face challenges too. Make sure you don’t get into any arguments with your boss or superiors as this may leave you stuck in your present situation. Some of you may also feel that there is no growth or progress in your work and would want to quit. Wait for your thoughts to clear and then look for a job change.  

Love/Relationship: There may be a challenging situation for some of you with regards to your relationship. Try not to get into any disagreement with your partner and clear any confusion or misunderstanding. For singles, this may not be the best time to decide as you may be in a confused state and may not be able to make the right choice. 

Scorpio (October 24- November 22): Ten of Wands

Scorpio (October 24- November 22): Ten of Wands

This may be an overwhelming month for you and you may be over-stressed or overburdened by the increased responsibilities at work and this may be affecting your personal life too. You may have taken on too many responsibilities than you can handle, you can consider talking to your family members and use their help to lessen your burden. The good news is you can relax as this phase is coming to an end soon.  

Career: This month may bring in increased stress at work for you. You may not be able to focus and may deviate from your goals due to increased pressure and lack of concentration. You can consider offloading some of your tasks to your team members, so that you can work on more important tasks. You can also consider pushing a little as some of your projects may be coming to an end and you can take a break after that. 

Love/Relationship: If is very important that you and your partner discuss your responsibilities and share them so that it would not be a burden on one person. You may also consider taking a break from your hectic schedule. If you are single, there is an indication of delay in finding a suitable partner and this may be causing some stressful situation for you. 

Sagittarius (November 23- December 21): The Hanged Man

Sagittarius (November 23- December 21): The Hanged Man

This month’s focus for you should be to come out of your comfort zone and take up the challenge. There is a possibility that you may be taking things for granted and not want to work on your goals and this is making you feel stuck in your present situation. There is an indication of spiritual awakening for some of you during this month and you may find answers to your questions by turning to your inner self.  

Career: This month, you have to avoid laziness and get up and start working on your goals. You may also have to change the way you look at your tasks with a different view and you will be able to solve them easily. You may have to take up some additional responsibilities and come out of your comfort zone if you want to grow in your career. Some of you may feel stagnated at your current workplace and may want to change your job. 

Love/Relationship: Some of you may feel stuck in your life and feel that your partner may not be sharing any responsibility and your partner may feel the same for you. It is important that you discuss your problem with your partner and settle amicably. If single, you have to take action right now as you may be losing time by being in your comfort zone.  

Capricorn (December 22- January 20): The Tower

Capricorn (December 22- January 20): The Tower

This may be a challenging month for you as the Tower card indicates a major change in your life this month. Unexpected and unavoidable events may take place which may shake your belief system. There may be a chaotic situation around you. There is no way that you can avoid it, so be prepared to accept the situation, learn from it and move on. There is also an indication of an injury to your back or you may have a flare up of your back pain. Consult your doctor and take care of your health. 

Career: When it comes to work, there may be a sudden change, or some sudden decisions taken by the management. This may cause some confusion for some of you in terms of job security. There is also an indication of job loss or position loss or demotion for some of you. Be prepared to face any challenging situation at work. Your team members as well as your seniors may not be supportive of you, so you may have to work on your own. Stay positive, things will improve. 

Love/Relationship: This month may show you the real colors of your partner. Some of you may be cheated upon by your partner or may be betrayed. Some of you may also have to go through separation from your partner. Keep calm and wait for the tough times to pass by and then take any decision. For those who are single, this may not be the right time to proceed further. 

Aquarius (January 21-February 18): Ace of Pentacles

Aquarius (January 21-February 18): Ace of Pentacles

This month is going to bring in some new start with it. The cards also indicate there is a financial gain for some of you this month. Your financial situation may improve, and you will be able to invest in buying property or expensive things for your family. There may also be some interesting opportunities coming your way this month. This is also the right time for you to invest in a financial plan which will fetch you profit in the future. 

Career: You may be given a new responsibility, or a new project or assignment may be handed over to you this month. There is an indication of financial gain for you at work and you may receive a reward, hike, or bonus and your hard work will be appreciated. There may be new offers coming in for you if you are looking for a job change. If you are into real estate business, you will launch a new project. 

Love/Relationship: You and your partner will be able to start a new life this month. For those who have been planning for a baby, there is an indication that you will receive good news. Your financial situation will start improving this month. For those who are single, you will get a proposal this month and you may enter a married life. 

Pisces (February 19- March 20): Page of Cups

Pisces (February 19- March 20): Page of Cups

This month may bring in a new opportunity or new creative ideas may come up for you. Listen to your inner voice and receive the message as your intuition will be high this month and you may be receiving important messages from the universe. You also should be quick enough to act on your ideas and thoughts as there are chances that you may lose it if you take your sweet time to decide. Some of you may also receive good news or message this month.  

Career: Some of you may receive a new project or assignment this month, be quick to accept it. Your communicative skills will be good this month and you will be able to handle any presentation or speech easily. However, you can also work towards upskilling yourself in order to stay ahead in your career. If you are looking for a job change, there is an indication that you may receive a good offer.  

Love/Relationship: This month will bring in good news for you in relationship. Keep your communication open with your partner. There may also be surprises coming your way this month. For those who are single, there may be good news in the form of new love entering your life. 

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What is December 2022 Horoscope for Aries?
The month of December may bring in added stress, fear, and anxiety. Some of you may feel insecurity creeping up regarding your current situation. For some of you, there is also an indication of illness, and it is important for you to rest adequately. Your family and friends are around you to support you and help you, take their help and face the situation instead of running away. Take a break, relax and bounce back.
What is December 2022 Horoscope for Leo?
King of Wands is bringing in a passionate and enthusiastic month for you. Some of you will be able to achieve an authoritative position in your life and establish yourself in the society by earning a good name and fame. You will be stable in your life and will also be ready to help people around you. You may have to take care and be cautious about your hidden enemies as they may be spreading rumors about you.
What is December 2022 Horoscope for Libra?
This month may bring in confusion for some of you. You may be required to take a painful decision between the two options available. There may also be uncertainty in your life. You may also get into arguments with your family or friends, so it is better that you stay away from any kind of disagreements or arguments. You may have created a perception of your own and are looking at things with a tunnel vision.