Monthly Tarotscope - April 2022

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Aries (March 21- April 20): Ace of Cups

There will be new opportunities opening up for you. Emotional bonding between you and your family and friends will grow stronger. Keep your emotions in control and don’t let it overflow. You may also be part of some celebrations.  

Career: Growth and opportunities will be coming your way during this period. This will be a very positive period in your career and you can expect support from your seniors and team mates. Your creativity will be at its peak. Few of you may get the promotion or the hike that you have been waiting for. 

Love/Relationship: Your emotional bonding with your partner will grow stronger. You will be very happy and stable in your relationship. Good News of conception is also a possibility if you have been planning. If you are single, you will be able to get a suitable partner and you will have a good emotional bonding with your partner. 

Angel Guidance: Look for a Sign: Universe is indicating you to look for a sign as the Angels are trying to connect to you. You may find them in the form of feathers, repeated numbers, fragrance, etc. 


Taurus (April 21- May 21): Three of Wands

Vision, Mission, Expansion! This is the best time for you to create a vision and goals for your future. You have been working hard at achieving your goals and you will be able to finally make a plan for your success. Take account of all the ups and downs that you may have to encounter during your journey towards success. There is also an indication of travel to foreign lands. 

Career:  Few of you may have plans of business expansion. You will be able to set goals and achieve it without any issues. If you have been looking for a job abroad, you may find an opportunity. You may also travel to foreign place for business. 

Love/Relationship: Your relationship will be very strong and stable. If you have been planning on family expansion, this will be the perfect time for you. If single, you may get involved in long distance relationship. 

Angel Guidance: Be Assertive: Be confident and take matters in your hands. Stick to what you have planned or decided. 

Gemini (May 22- June 21): Five of Wands

Conflicts, Arguments! There is an indication of being involved in an argument or conflict. There may be ego clashes or disagreements at home. Try to control your ego before taking any decision. There may also be a sense of irritation and frustration overall. Try not to get into any type of arguments. 

Career: There are chances that you may have to face opposition from your boss and team mates which will increase your frustration level. It looks like everyone is busy trying to prove their strength. Don’t worry as this may be a temporary conflict and you will be able to get through this phase very soon. 

Love/Relationship:  There may be some disagreements and frustration in your relationship. You may be irritated with how things are moving. Avoid getting into argument and keep your ego in control. Sit and talk it out in order to move forward smoothly. 

Angel Guidance: Forgiveness: You may have to forgive yourself and others in order to release your burden. Learn to let go of pain caused by others and forgive. 

Cancer (June 22- July 22): The Moon

When you climb up the ladder, there are many people to pull you down. Be cautious as to who you trust. There will be a sense of confusion and uncertainty. Try to dive deep to know the truth behind each and every people you meet or any opportunity that you get. There are also chances of betrayal given your tendency to over trust people. Before taking any step, stop and think carefully. You believe what others want to you to see and not see their true nature.  

Career: Try to be careful about people trying to pull you down. Also, if you have plans of changing your job or starting any new venture, make sure you read all the documents and verify carefully as there is an indication that you may fall into trap of some hidden clauses. You may also have to face some misunderstandings at your workplace. 

Love/Relationship: There may be a sense of uncertainty or insecurity in your relationship at this moment. There may be doubts and misunderstanding cropping up with regards to your relationship. There is also an indication of deceit or betrayal in relationships. Check for the facts thoroughly before taking any decision. 

Angel Guidance: Compromise: Angels are suggesting that you may have to compromise on few things to lead a happy life. Check what is more important for you and compromise on things that you can. 

Related Blog: 'How to find your life partner through numerology'

Leo (July 23- August 23): Nine of Cups

This is a month of satisfaction and happiness! There are all possibilities that your wish will come true, so be careful as to what you wish for. Happy times ahead. This card indicates that it is the time for you to enjoy and see your dreams coming true. 

Career: All the hard work and effort that you have put will be noticed by your Boss. This will be a period of achievement and success in your work. This will be a period of abundance and prosperity for you in all fields. Your work will be recognized and you will be rewarded appropriately for your hard work. Enjoy the Happy moments. 

Love/Relationship: Your relationship will be stable. You and your partner will be happy and satisfied in your relationship. For some of you who have been waiting to get engaged or married, this period will be lucky. There will be a great sense of commitment and maturity in the relationship. If single, you will be able to find the right partner for you. So, don’t sit in one place, go out and look for your better half.   

Angel Guidance: Ask your Angels: The Angels are suggesting that you seek guidance from Angels. Ask your questions and sit in silence and wait for the sign through any message or feeling or any sign.  


Virgo (August 24- September 22): Seven of Swords

Incompletion! Few of you may be trying to run away from your responsibility leaving your tasks incomplete. There is also an indication of theft, burglary, or deceit. Some of you may experience being manipulated by people around you. Some fraud may go unnoticed.  

Career: Try and complete all your tasks on time. There will be a tendency to leave work in between and escape from your responsibility. You may have to put in extra hours at work, so try and be flexible and adaptive. Your superior or boss maybe manipulative and demanding. 

Love/Relationship: Some of you might experience some trouble in your relationship. An outsider may try to bring in confusion in your relationship leading to arguments and disagreements. Some of you may also experience betrayal or deceit in your relationship. Avoid arguments as much as possible and don’t rely on other people’s words. Take responsibility and value your relationship. 

Angel Guidance: Get more information: You need to get more information before you proceed taking any decision. Use your analytical skills.  

Libra (September 23- October 23): Ace of Swords

New Opportunity!  A new opportunity will open up for you. You will be able to come up with creative ideas. This opportunity will also bring with it some challenges and struggles which you will be able to handle with your creative and innovative ideas.  Consider all the pros and cons before making any decision.  

Career: You will be given an opportunity to work in a new project or role. Make use of this and show your creative side. Your analytical skill will help you solve any challenges at work. Few of you will be able to get growth and promotion too. If you are planning to start a new business or venture, this would be the best time as your creativity will be at peak. However, avoid making any financial decision emotionally. 

Love/Relationship: If you are in a relationship and had any misunderstandings recently, good news for you as you will be able to clear the air. Your clear communication will help your relationship to grow stronger. This is also the right time to clear any uncertainty that has been prevailing in your relationship. If you are single, there is as great chance that you will be able to find your partner and start a new phase. 

Angel Guidance: No Need to Worry: Angels are asking you not to worry about any situation and you have all the support from Angels. Things will turn out positive.  

Scorpio (October 24- November 22):  Ace of Pentacles

Abundance! This will be a period of financial stability. Few of you may plan in investments and plan for future financial freedom. If you have been planning to invest in property, you will be able to find good opportunities. This period will find you to be more optimistic and positive.  

Career: Your career will be stable and also many new opportunities will be in front of you, make a right decision. If you have been waiting for a job change, there is a possibility that you will be able to find a better bet. Financially, you will be strong as you may get the hike that you have been waiting for. How can it get better than this? 

Love/Relationship: You can see your relationship getting stronger and stable during this period. You will be able to take make a decision to move forward in your relationship. If single, you will be able to find a suitable partner. You will feel blessed and secure in your relationship.      

Angel Guidance: Romance: You will get into an important relationship. There may be ups and downs, don’t lose your confidence. 

Sagittarius (November 23- December 21): The World

Completions and New beginnings are on the cards. There will be a sense of joy and happiness as many of you will be able to complete your projects successfully and take on new projects. There is also indication of travel. A positive time period with a great sense of accomplishment and achievement. With Success comes more Challenges, be prepared to face the challenge and achieve more. 

Career: Most of your projects will reach completion and you will start a new phase or role at your work place. You will be able to reap the results of your hard work. With your efforts, you will finally be able to achieve success. It is also the right time for new investments. 

Love/Relationship: If you are in a relationship and planning to get married, you will be able to solemnize your marriage now. Any misunderstanding will be resolved and you will be able to begin a new phase of life. If single, you will be able to find your life partner who will bring in the sense of completeness in your life. 

Angel Guidance: Success: You are on the road of success. Don’t have any doubts. Enjoy your success! 

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Capricorn (December 22- January 20): Ten of cups

Happy moments! Family Time! For many of you, this may be a period of completion and that means start of a new phase. You have worked hard to achieve this success and you deserve a great time out with your family and friends. Take a break and don’t lose the opportunity to enjoy your time.  

Career: Time for you to reap the rewards of your hard work. You have completed your project with flying colors and ready to take on more. You will be part of celebrations. If you have not been able to complete the tasks, don’t worry, you will be able to complete all your tasks. You will also get the required support and help from your teammates and your superiors. 

Love/Relationship: Celebrations on the way for people who are engaged and looking at expanding your family. Few of you will be able to take a step ahead in your relationship. Use this time to strengthen your bonds with your loved ones and family. 

Angel Guidance: Let Go: Let go of what is not in your favor. Release any unhealthy relationships. If you have been holding on something that is not letting you achieve your dream, let them go. 

Aquarius (January 21-February 18):  Eight of Cups

It looks like you are trying to run away from a situation or a problem. You may also feel abandoned. Some of your plans may have to be put on hold as you are not in the right frame of mind right now. Some of you might have been fighting some emotional disturbance. You may feel exhausted and want to run away from the situation. Remember, running away will only worsen the situation, so face it and win. 

Career: You may have to leave some tasks uncompleted. There is also an indication of movement from one job to another. It looks like there is some dissatisfaction with regards to your work at the present time. You may also reconsider the way you have been saving your money and let go of plans that are not working in your favor. 

Love/Relationship: You or your partner may feel lonely and abandoned. You may also end a relationship which has been causing you problem and move ahead. If you are single, try and come out of your past experience and move on. 

Angel Guidance: Listen to your intuition: Rely on what your intuition is telling you. Your inner guidance will take you in the right direction. 


Pisces (February 19- March 20): High Priestess

Trust your intuitions as they will show you the right path. Go with what your gut feeling is telling you. Universe may be sending you some messages, so keep an eye on what you are seeing, hearing, or even dreaming as they may mean some guidance for you. 

Career: You will be more creative at work and will come across opportunities that will help you grow in your career. You may also find an experienced and knowledgeable mentor, make sure you try to get as much knowledge as possible. 

Love/Relationship: You and your partner will be more involved with each other. Your attraction will be so high that you can stay away from each other. If single, you will soon find an attractive partner. 

Angel Guidance: Opportunity: There is an indication of positive growth and expansion. Your inspiration is high as you will get the chance that you have been waiting for a long time. Doors of opportunities will open up for you!  

Related Blog: 'Your 2022 Yearly Tarotscope is Here'.

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