Predictions for 2021- Blessings, Challenges and Advice

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After one of the most groundbreaking years we have experienced in decades, 2021 arrives and it's time to be prepared for the blessings and challenges. However, we have got you covered with the things you need to reap the maximum benefits of this year.

Aries(March 21- April 20):


The card indicates that this is the end of the grief and the pain and that there will be a new beginning with the new year and there will be a promising future. It can also often mean something positive which comes into your life unexpectedly.


The Temperance Card may suggest that peace is difficult for you, whether it is peace of mind or outward peace. You might hold on to past issues or current indulgences, which will keep you from maintaining a healthier balance. You have disrupted the natural workflow.


We have to let ourselves be moved by the cosmos. We cannot fight against the things we have to give and take. It's time to stop and let destiny take its course. Use this time to explore multiple viewpoints. It's time to put your feet up and let the Universe do its work. It can be difficult to trust the powers at play, but we must note that we are bound to get what we need.

Taurus(April 21- May 21):


The King of Swords refers to the resolution of a problem and the achievement of a mental balance.

It also refers to a mature and clever person, presumably a male. He would be a smart guy with a head above his heart who can help you out this year. The card shows the solution to a difficult dilemma, the management of your emotions, and the attainment of mental clarity.


It is a reality check as the Moon crosses us. Often our visions will obscure our imagination and leave us reluctant to move on while we reach out to something that may be inaccessible, draining our energies and time. Our challenge is to find a way to entertain our crazy and imaginative desires in a grounded way. It's not our visions that have to be perfected, but our means of achieving these dreams.


As an advice card, Temperance urges you to hold back from the quick judgment of any situation. Step back from an immediate emotional reaction and think about the situation. You can seek the help of a friend or a mentor. You are also advised to maintain a healthier and more balanced lifestyle.

Gemini(May 22- June 21):


The Fool card refers to a fluid scenario where the seeker is always on the move. Of course, the clouds of uncertainty have disappeared, and cheerful energy is plentiful. There might be a new adventure.
Spontaneous and carefree, the Fool will help you find the bright side of life, tame the wild spirit, and join in the dance of nature.


When it appears as an obstacle, the Ace of Cups may indicate that although you're going to be passionate about your projects, you won't make a lot of money from them. Finally, the Ace of Cups can suggest a lack of progress in relationships.


There's been an ending.  Accept that things are over. Pick yourself up and get on with it. The future is promising again. Someone may be willing to betray you. Watch your back. Don't take more than you can manage, or you risk running into the ground.

Cancer(June 22- July 22):


When the King of Pentacles blesses your reading, you will have a tremendous achievement, and you will become a master of wealth.  You are undeniably keen to safeguard what is required financially. You are a warm and affectionate person and you will support others tremendously. You are currently happy with your life and wonderful accomplishments, and you should calm down and relax and enjoy the success of your work.


You have to wait for a long time to get the things you want, the Seven Pentacles suggests. The results you seek will take more time than most people can tolerate.


There are so many options ahead. Don't be in a hurry to decide. Take the time to thoroughly analyze each alternative. Make the decision consciously.

Leo (July 23- August 23):


The Tower card often has bad associations in tarot reading because it is primarily a major transition card. All change isn't bad, though. Only because the Tower points to a sudden upheaval in the life of an individual is not inherently evil. Some of the most positive improvements in the life of a person are based on their setbacks or low points. It lets a person think on their feet and reevaluate what is important to them.


If this card emerges in a negative position, this means that you will waste a lot of money on items that are not important. You feel under pressure to keep up with peers.

Do you find yourself unfairly criticizing other people for their lifestyles? If this is the case, you should worry about how your perceptions are constrained by this mindset.


If you're dreaming about making a purchase, this card says: consider the choices carefully. Look for the right deal, the one that makes the most sense of your budget.
The two of pentacles often apply to juggling between multiple projects. In that case, you can be encouraged to juggle your responsibilities or your finances. Multitask and balance your budget.

Virgo (August 24- September 22):


The Queen of Swords denotes using your intelligence to judge a situation, rather than make a choice dependent on transient feelings. It stands for truth and integrity. The Queen of Swords is often also considered to denote an elderly woman who could enter the scenario to help you make the tough choices that you find impossible to make yourself. She's smart because of her life experiences because she's there to guide you with everything.


The card means you're a bit too materialistic. You should not only concentrate on the financial support an individual can offer but also the emotional side of life  Make decisions based on love and try not to have money in your mind, as it prevents you from going forward in this matter.


Concentrate on having fun! Take part in enjoyable activities. Attend activities like parties, festivals and other sorts of festivities.  Inculcate the spirit of joy.

Libra (September 23- October 23):


Nine of swords predict that not everything is as bad as it seems. The worst thing is in your head and your anxiety is actually not real. You are forced to take ownership of your actions and now you realise and embrace the implications of your past decisions. While you are scared of the future, you can already see the light at the end of the tunnel.


This means that you will be unhappy with your accomplishments. Although you're going to do the things you like, you're not going to be satisfied. You're about to discover that grass isn't necessarily greener on the other side.

In certain cases, the card shows up if you cannot work together with other people. There can be cases where you have to collaborate with others, even when you're not happy about doing so.


Follow your heart! Avoid negative thoughts, cover up your bruises, and listen to what your heart is trying to teach you. Act on your ideas, and you're the only one who can make them happen. You've come a long way, and you're almost there.

Scorpio (October 24- November 22):


Things will move quickly according to your preference, bringing the improvements you may have been waiting for. The cosmos is working for you-be happy and careful about what you are asking for. And if you can't see the road to your dream right now, remember that the wheel is in motion and that what you want will be presented to you eventually.


There can be obstacles ahead that pose a threat to your self-confidence. It may be a challenge to truly accept the sacred feminine or a problem in appreciating the abundance that surrounds you. This can lead to a blockage of some sort of development and manifestation. There is a loss of regular radiance and warmth.


Knight of Cups tells you that your heart has its own way of connecting with you. Instead of depending on your analytical brain at this moment, Knight of Cups encourages you to turn inward and listen to your heart; believing that the intuitive signals you're receiving now will help you decide what you need to do to step forward in the way that aligns with your highest course.

Sagittarius (November 23- December 21):


The Fool is always a sign that you are about to embark out on a thrilling journey, one that you were destined to go on. It may also inspire you to take the first step, to set aside your fears and suspicions, and to take a leap of faith into the unknown. You're excited about this new thing in your life, you're flying high on the adrenaline of it all, so keep the energy up and jump without apprehension.


The Queen of Wands can refer to a person, generally, a woman, who is very assertive in what she desires. She knows exactly what her desires are and how she's going to get them. Often, her power can become over-confidence. This person can also be you.


You have understood your current insight and world view and believe that you have a success recipe in your life. The only thing left to do now is actually to bring them into motion with patience and continuity. Do this every day and make it a habit. You have the wisdom and the ability to manifest and to attract what you want in your life.

Capricorn( December 22- January 20):


This card can mean that you will have money that you can save and invest. Although you will hold on to your money, you will at least not be blowing it all on non-essentials. The card indicates that you will accomplish all of your objectives effectively and manage to accumulate substantial material wealth. It is very natural for you to make sure you are stable now because you have been working hard to get to the level. But there is also a chance that you turn into an excessively possessive or greedy person who wants to make sure that nobody can take your riches away.


Someone is going to betray you. While you might believe that you've been lied to, in most situations, you're not going to be able to prove it. This may also mean you are deceptive to others and yourself. At least, be realistic if you are not willing to be truthful.


This card can indicate that you are attempting to find or maintain a balance between the different areas of your life. It reflects the ups and downs of life and shows that you are resourceful, adaptable and resilient enough to get through. However, it can be a sign that attempting to juggle too many tasks at once and not optimising what is necessary can lead to failure and fatigue. Learn to determine where you put your resources and cut down on what is not necessary to sustain a balanced and happier life.

Aquarius(January 21-February 18):


The card means everything is in harmony and peace within your relationships. It is a symbol of love and trust between partners, with each partner giving strength to the other. It shows you the likelihood of a mutually beneficial relationship in your life.


It means that you are not able to learn from your mistakes. You can be frustrated by the feeling that you don't know what you're doing. But you don't make the effort to learn! This card denotes bad work,lack of effort, determination or devotion. You may lack the concentration and determination needed to accomplish your goals, or you may not have set any goals yourself. It can also suggest delays caused by team disagreement or loss of team spirit.



The advice offered by the Judgement Card is to look for divine guidance. Trust is a significant element in divine assistance. This card encourages you to consider what your motives are and to face improvements along the way. You will be guided on this path. Additionally,forgive and close the wounds of the past.

This is an incredibly reassuring card that can be pulled for the advice position. It says that as long as you are led by your honesty and truthfulness here on earth, you will be aided and guided to your destination.

Pisces(February 19- March 20):


This card denotes happy families, holidays, gifts, festivals, marriages and gatherings. It means coming home and reunions, feeling like you blend in and feel accepted and supported. The card signifies success, wealth, peace, protection and laying the foundation. It assures you that you are going to be proud of your accomplishments and that your self-esteem is going to be high. It also reflects the work of the team, the spirit of the community and families who come together.


The card represents a stalemate, a truce, or a crossroads. It means that you are sitting on the fence or trying to make or stop a complicated, frustrating or uncomfortable decision. It's a card that denotes coming face to face with your worries. It may also mean that you are torn between two loyalties, partnerships, circumstances, deals or individuals. It involves getting stuck in the middle of an argument or confrontation and attempting to mediate between the opposing parties.


Follow your higher call. If you are called to a certain direction or action, answer your call.

Using sound judgment at this moment. Before making a judgement call, analyse every aspect of the situation. Throw out the old, welcome the new. This is a time of resurrection or rebirth. Look forward to a big change! If the cycle is over, another one is about to begin.




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How will 2021 be for Geminis?
The Fool card refers to a fluid scenario where the seeker is always on the move. Of course, the clouds of uncertainty have disappeared, and cheerful energy is plentiful. There might be a new adventure. Spontaneous and carefree, the Fool will help you find the bright side of life, tame the wild spirit, and join in the dance of nature.