Second chance that changed everything

6 minute

Highlights The story of Shaira, who gave her life a second chance, and that second chance changed her perspective towards life.

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Rumi, the famous Persian poet, once said, "What you seek is seeking you". 

In the crowd of people, searching for the right one has always been difficult for a person like Shaira, who doesn't trust people easily due to her childhood scars. She is bubbly and friendly from the outside, but she yearns for love and hopes deep inside. But sometimes, she doesn't know what exactly she wants. She gets confused, but no one ever tells her that it's ok to get confused and not figure out what you want. After graduating, she pursued higher studies in arts. When her biological clock ticked, her parents decided to marry her off. They thought getting married at the right age, according to society, was right for their daughter despite knowing that she is neither mentally nor physically prepared. And here started the search for the most eligible groom for their daughter.

Shaira knew from her college days that she could not choose whether she wanted to get married or remain unmarried her whole life. She wanted love but not marriage, and her stance was always discouraged as marriage is the right thing for a girl. So why do you think she doesn't want marriage? Is it about commitment? Or she wants to live life freely without any restrictions? Well, Shaira was neither afraid of commitment nor thought that marriage was a cage where she would get stuck. The reason is her own parents. She grew up watching their fights and disrespecting each other. There was no love and trust between her parents. They were just posing as a good couple and family who supports their children and live happily with respect in society. Shaira liked reading; she listening stories from her grandparents. She read that marriage is an institution that is based on trust, respect, honesty and understanding. Marriage is where two imperfect people come together to become perfect for each other and not society. She wanted a marriage where she felt free and shared her deepest secrets with her partner. But being from a traditional family, she never dares to tell these to her parents. This is why she never had any love story. She was afraid that it may break her parent's heart, and somewhere in her heart, she too was scared to love someone.

When the time came to see the prospective grooms, it was a tradition in her family that a boy and girl can't see others before marriage. Only the families will see the boy and the girl. This is upsetting, but Shaira can't do anything because she knows her mother has sacrificed and struggled so much for her. So she doesn't want to hurt her even if it means hurting herself. She just believed her mother and God. The first selected boy was good enough to impress Shaira's whole family. Everyone was overwhelmed to get a guy like him for their daughter. Then after that, Shaira and that boy started talking. It went on for 6 months, and everything seemed good. The boy talked very nicely, and Shaira was happy that maybe this guy was good for me and I could live happily ever after. But the ever after happy living thought came crashing when the boy suddenly said something that hurt her and her mother. Her mother cancelled the wedding. Although the boy's family was good, the boy made some mistakes.

After that, Shaira didn't feel good, and her mother consoled her. Then when she was overcoming this, her parents again started their search. This time the boy and Shaira met, and they started a conversation on chat, phone and they met a few times. But soon, the family found out that the guy and his family were frauds, and everything they told was a blatant lie. They were duping girls like this and extracting money. These occurrences made Shaira break down so much that she just wanted to get away from marriage. She told God to make tomorrow morning a fresh start and show the right path. The next morning she got a text from the previous guy with lots of sorry and a second chance. She didn't believe him, but he just kept on saying sorry and asked for a second chance. For once, she thought to block her and never talk to him. But then she thought, what if she had made this mistake? Would she deserve a second chance? Whatever may be a mistake, when a person apologizes from his heart, a second chance should be given to rectify their mistake.

She told her mother, and she responded, if you think you should go on, then do whatever your heart says. She also said the boy is good, and even a good person can make mistakes. So give him a chance to not regret next time when you don't get a second chance. Her mother talked to the guy, and he assured her that he would do everything right. Then came when Shaira and the guy met when Shaira insisted on her mother. They talked, and she experienced some new things. After she came home, she continuously thought she was doing right to continue with him or accept his apology only and forget about marriage. But what her mother told her got stuck into her mind.

She told you to know marriages are made in heaven. You don't know what will happen to you, but God knows. Yes, your father and I don't get along, but what do you think about why we are together. It is our destiny, and no one can change destiny. You can do hard work and think that your destiny will change, but whatever happens is destined by God. Never doubt him; you will get what is good for you, and what you don't get was never meant for you. So believe in God and yourself. I knew she was not right completely, but she was right in her words. So I just made my mind and told the guy that I was ready. From then, they talked for some days. And after that, the wedding date got fixed, and in a few months, they got married. The time between their date fixing and marriage, they get to know many things about each other and why he made that mistake. they formed a bond.

So after marriage, it was easy for Shaira to manage things, and to her surprise, the guy was really good. he encouraged her to study and make her career. he never forced anything on her. he respected her family and decisions. he even stood up for her when she was right, and his family was wrong. While Shaira also accepted his family wholeheartedly. they had their share of fights, but all ended with a simple sorry to each other. she had to do many things that she didn't like. However, still, she was happy because the struggle is there for a lifetime, but whom you choose to share your struggle with is what matters the most.

Sometimes we don't understand that being alone is not a strength but our fear of being left behind or trust issues. A good partner makes life easy and shareable. Don't search for your partner because what you seek will always seek you, and it is destined by God. I still think what would have happened if Shaira had not given a second chance to her husband. Maybe she would have never trusted on marriage or on people. Shaira was also thankful to her mother, who advised her what she should do. The second chance was not only for her husband; it was also her second chance of believing in the institution of marriage. 

We always think about the past and future so much that we get entangled between them. We don't understand that past is gone, and only God knows the future. So why should we not focus on the present we have at the moment. 
If you are not perfect, it's ok. If you are confused, then also it's ok. What is not ok is to discourage yourself and not believe yourself. 

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