Types of Pubic Hair and Causes

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One of the first changes that we see once we hit puberty is our hair growth in the genitals. Pubic hair starts developing around the age of nine, all the way up to sixteen. It is well known that women shave or wax their pubic hair more often than not. But removing that wiry hair is a Herculean task in itself.

When we start growing our pubic hair, it starts off as light, soft and wispy. As we grow older, it grows thicker and darker. It often takes a triangular pattern and can grow up to your inner thighs and outer leg.

 triangular pattern PUBIC HAIR

Source: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Pubic_hairstyle_natural.svg

What is the reason for curly or straight pubic hair?

Some researches show that hair's curly or straight nature is due to the radius and the cross-section shape. If the cross-section is circular, the hair tends to be straight. Thick hair also tends to be straighter. On the other hand, if it is oval, the hair is weak on the axis; it bends and forms curls. 

Mostly pubic hair is curly, as the curly hair ensures that the pheromones from the sweat glands are entrapped and gives everyone a unique genital odour. During the stone age, when people walked around half-naked, this genital odour was considered a potent aphrodisiac. 


What is the purpose of pubic hair?

We all know that every part of our body plays a role. If it is on our body, it is there for a reason. The same is true for our pubic hair. 

  • Protects the vaginal opening

Pubic hair has a vital role to play in our hygiene. The hair down there ensures that we entrap dirt and harmful germs from entering the vagina. It also works as a cushion and protects the sensitive skin of our genitals from damage. A lot of people believe that shaving or waxing our pubes is hygienic, but it is entirely the opposite.

  • Some prevention from STIs

According to modern research, the removal of pubic hair increases the chances of getting infections or sexually transmitted diseases (STDs). The sensitive skin around our genitals is prone to nicks, microtears, and abrasions while shaving, plucking, or waxing. Certain infections spread more quickly if the virus or bacteria comes in direct contact with our cut skin and body fluids. Thus, our pubes decrease the risk of getting infected by herpes, chlamydia, etc.

  • Helps our sexual health

Thicker, darker, and coarser pubic hair ensures that we feel no friction, burn, or irritation during sex. It prevents burning and, therefore, plays an essential role in our sexual health.

  • Helps to wick sweat away

Our pubic hair helps to remove moisture and sweat for faster evaporation. Pubes help us cool down while we are working out or doing a hot yoga session. Since hair can act as a barrier, it prevents our skin from chafing during a particularly rough exercise.

Shaving of pubic hair and their different styles

Talk to your aestheticians openly if you decide to shave your hair. Talk about what you are comfortable with and what choices you have. Here are a few styles you can consider:

  • Bikini Style

The standard bikini wax is simply a tidy-up procedure. It removes all the hair that can peek while you are wearing a bikini. It removes hair from the upper thighs to the outside of the panty line and also from the top that might peep over the waistband. 

  • Brazilian Wax or Hollywood Style

This is probably the most sought style among women. The Brazilian style encompasses hair removal from the front of your pubic bone, your labia, between the upper thighs, your external genitals, and even your butt. You can choose to leave a small strip of hair in front or go smooth all the way.

  • French Style

A French bikini wax is a middle ground between the bikini style and Brazilian wax. In this style, you can get your hair removed from the sides of your labia, between your butt cheeks, and only a part of the pelvic area. It only leaves a rectangular patch of hair in the front area.


What are the different pubic hair shapes you can get?

If you do go for waxing, you also get to choose what shape you want in your private area. A few of the commonly preferred shapes are listed below.


  • Landing Strip

Landing Strip

Source: https://commons.m.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Landing_strip.jpg

It is one of the classic shapes that women prefer. It is perfect for you if you want to be free of your bush without getting rid of your pubes completely. The landing strip leaves a strip of hair in the middle while it gets rid of the front and the sides of the pubic area.


  • Mohawk

Mohawk is sort of similar to the landing strip style. A wide or rectangular patch of hair, thicker than the landing strip, is left in the middle part of the pubic region.


  • Postage stamp

The postage stamp is one of the popular forms of the Brazilian wax. It is also similar to the landing strip. In the postage stamp, all the hair from the front and the sides are removed, while there is a small square patch in the front. 


  • Bermuda Triangle

If you prefer to leave some hair on the front, Bermuda Triangle might be what you are looking for. It is wide on the top and narrows as we move down. It resembles a classical bikini wax as a neat triangle patch of hair is left. Still, unlike the bikini line, it also removes the rug from your labia and butt.


  • Martini Glass

Martini glass is a version of the Brazilian wax. It is trimmer than a Bermuda triangle, like a glass of martini, on your mound of Venuses.


  • Heart shape

Heart shape

Source: https://commons.m.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Pubic_hair_style_Valentine.jpg

If you are a true romantic in your soul, you might like to give the heart shape a try. A cleverly formed triangle of your pubic hair gives it the look of a heart!


  • Vajzzale

Jewels and gems are your things? We have something for you, too. You can now try adhesive faux crystals on the waxed areas of your nether region. As the crystals are stuck one after the other, you can pick absolutely anything! You can opt for any design or any quote for it.


When we go through puberty, the changes going through our bodies sometimes overwhelm us. Pubic hair can be one of those. Whatever type of hair you have growing down there is normal. There are benefits of having pubic hair, and it should depend on what you are comfortable with. If you want to remove it, it should be your choice. If you want to keep it, more power to you.

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What is the reason for curly or straight pubic hair?
<p>Some researches show that hair's curly or straight nature is due to the radius and the cross-section shape. If the cross-section is circular, the hair tends to be straight. Thick hair also tends to be straighter. On the other hand, if it is oval, the hair is weak on the axis; it bends and forms curls.</p><p>Mostly pubic hair is curly, as the curly hair ensures that the pheromones from the sweat glands are entrapped and gives everyone a unique genital odour. During the stone age, when people walked around half-naked, this genital odour was considered a potent aphrodisiac. </p>
What is the purpose of pubic hair?
We all know that every part of our body plays a role. If it is on our body, it is there for a reason. The same is true for our pubic hair.<ol><li>Protects the vaginal opening</li><li>Some prevention from STIs</li><li>Helps our sexual health</li><li>Helps to wick sweat away</li></ol>
What is French style bikini wax?
A French bikini wax is a middle ground between the bikini style and Brazilian wax. In this style, you can get your hair removed from the sides of your labia, between your butt cheeks, and only a part of the pelvic area. It only leaves a rectangular patch of hair in the front area.