Weekly Tarotscope - July 4, 2022 to July 10, 2022

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Aries (March 21- April 20): King of Cups

Tarot Card- King of Cups

King of cups is bringing in the energy of maturity with him. You will be stable emotionally and will be able to take any decision with your wisdom and experience. This will be a balanced week for you emotionally and you will be compassionate with your family and friends. Some of you may come up with very creative ideas. Try your best to implement it as well. 

Career: Some of you will come up with unique ways of solving issues at work and this will gain you recognition and appreciation. Some of you may also be offered a higher position at your organization. You have gained lot of expertise in your area of work by now and this will help you in your growth. Try to keep your emotions in control. 

Love/Relationship: When it comes to relationship, you will be compassionate with your partner and be loving and caring towards them. You will enjoy the emotional bonding between you. For singles, you may get a compassionate partner this week. 

Taurus (April 21- May 21): Four of Wands

Four of Wands

It’s a celebration time for some of you this week as the Four of Wands is bringing in happiness and celebrations with it. You may have constructed a new house and celebrate your house warming this week. It’s the perfect time to spend with your family and friends, so go ahead and have fun. There will be a sense of achievement and growth for you this week as your hard work will pay off and you will gain all the recognition that you had wanted. 

Career: This week will bring in success and recognition for some of you. You will be able to enjoy the stability at work. It’s time for you to reap the fruits of your hard work. You will be able to gain recognition for your work. This week will call in for some celebration at work. You can consider working on your goals. 

Love/Relationship: You will rejoice the time with your partner and celebrate your relationship. You will be in a stable and strong relationship and this week is time for you to celebrate. If you are single, there are chances that you will be able to find your partner this week and settle in a happy marriage. 

Gemini (May 22- June 21): Nine of Cups

Nine of Cups

For some of you, this week will bring in good luck and there are chances that all your wishes will be granted. So, keep a watch on what you are wishing for. It is the time for you to sit and relax now as you have been working hard towards your goal. This week will bring in the success that you have been waiting for. This will be a smooth and relaxing week for you. Keep smiling and be happy! 

Career: This week will bring in a sense of achievement at work. You will be able to relax after working hard for all these days. Your hard work will be noticed by your boss and you will receive promotion or appraisal. For those who have been wanting to change their job, this is the perfect time as you will be able to find a job of your choice. Businessmen will be able to flourish in their business and capture market. Overall a positive week to see all your wishes come true.  

Love/Relationship: If you are in a relationship, you can expect happiness and prosperity in your relationship. You will enjoy being together and appreciate each other. You can expect things to go according to your plan. If you are single, you may find your partner and settle in your life. 

Cancer (June 22- July 22): Two of Wands

Two of Wands

This week brings in options and choices for you. You have to look carefully and choose the best option for you. Few of you may be trying to balance your situation. You may come up with plans of expansion of your business and you will come up with new and innovative ideas to establish yourself. You will be able to achieve one milestone and move ahead with the other. Make sure you consider all the pros and cons before you make any decision. For some of you, there is also an upcoming travel on the card. Pack your bags and get ready. 

Career: This is the time of career expansion for some of you. You will get more than one career option if you have been looking for a job change. You may be moved to a different role as you would have achieved a milestone. You may be offered new role or position. Before accepting any position, consider all the pros and cons of accepting it. Try not to multitask and take only those work which you can complete. For businessmen, there is a possibility that you may get new partnership offers. Work on goal setting. 

Love/Relationship: For those in relationship, you may have to balance your personal and professional life well, else this may lead to some misunderstanding. Try and give importance to both. For singles, there are chances that you will get options to choose your partner. Well, choose the best! 

 Leo (July 23- August 23): Wheel of Fortune

Wheel of Fortune

The Wheel of the Fortune has again moved and is bringing in positive changes to your life. Luck is shining upon you and you will receive the results that you deserve. Some of you may also go through a turning point in your life this week where you can experience a major change “for the better.” Your Karmas will be paid appropriately. Relax and enjoy the positivity around you. 

Career: For those you have been going through stagnancy at work, you can relax now as the wheel of your career starts moving in the right direction now. You will be able to notice positive changes at work. All the stuck energies move out and make way for new opportunities. Some of you may also change your job or get a change in your position this week. Don’t waste this time and make the best use of this period. 

Love/Relationship: For those in a relationship, positive changes are coming your way this week and you may have to make some adjustments in your lifestyle. Your life will move smoothly and you will be able enjoy your relationship. If you are single and have been feeling stuck, you can now expect things to change as there are chances that you will be able to find your partner and you will be able to soon start your married life. 

Virgo (August 24- September 22): Page of Swords

Page of Swords

This week you should not ignore your health and take care of yourself. There may be minor health issues for some of you which should resolve quickly. Things may get delayed for no reason. There may also be some minor disagreements or arguments. You may have to keep an eye on all the opportunities coming your way as there are chances you may miss them if you are not attentive. 

Career: At work, you may have to be careful as there are chances that you may get into some arguments. So it is better to avoid any kind of gossip. Your problem-solving skill will be good this week. You may also consider getting yourself enrolled in some skill improvement course. You will also be able to get some offers, however, there are chances of delay in getting any kind of results. 

Love/Relationship: For those in relationship, you may have some challenges. Try to avoid any arguments this week. Try to give importance and attention to your partner. If you have to take any decision, try not to make any hasty decision. For singles, there may be some delay. Don’t make any hasty decision. 

Libra (September 23- October 23): The High Priestess

The High Priestess

High Priestess is bringing in her energy of maturity and wisdom this week. You will be able to handle any situation and balance your life. You can expect mixed results for your efforts this week. You may also have to go through ups and downs, however, your maturity and wisdom will help you solve any unresolved issues. Some of you may also go through spiritual awakening this week. You may also have to go through some mood swings. Some of you may also invest more time in learning more. 

Career: At work, you may be able to gain more knowledge and experience this week. You will be able to balance your work and personal life with maturity. If you have been planning to get into any type of mentorship, you may receive some good news. You will be more creative this week and this will be visible in your work. Try to be consistent in your work. 

Love/Relationship: For those in relationship, you may have to be little careful as you may have some disagreements due to mood swings. You will be very caring and affectionate towards your partner and help each other well. For those who have been planning to conceive, they may get the good news. For singles, there may be a slight delay. 

Scorpio (October 24- November 22): Ace of Wands

Ace of Wands (Tarot card) 

Ace of Wands brings in new opportunity for you this week. You will be more career oriented this week. Some of you may go through some new beginning this week. You may start a new investment or there may be an addition of a new family member for some of you. You will come up with some new and interesting ideas, however, you may have to work towards materializing it. 

Career: Some of you may get some new offer or opportunity this week at work. You may also receive a hike or appraisal and may also be offered a new position. Businessmen will get a new opportunity to start your venture. You will be able to come up with very creative ideas, however, you have to work to make it successful. You will be able to accept any challenge coming your way and be successful in your career and venture. 

Love/Relationship: If in relationship, there is an indication of a new family member entering your life. You may plan new things in your life and may begin a new phase. If you are single, there are chances of marriage on the cards for some of you. 

Sagittarius (November 23- December 21): Six of Cups

Six of Cups

Some of you may experience nostalgic moments this week as you may get a chance to re-live old time again. You may meet your old friends or family members and arrange some get-togethers. There are also chances that you will exchange gifts and goodies. Your investments will be able to get you good profit. Try to involve yourself in some kind of donation if possible. Some of you may receive some good news this week. 

Career: Some of you will receive rewards and appreciation this week at work. It’s time for your hard work to pay off and you may get good news in terms of your career. A long-lost chance of offer may come back to you surprisingly. You will be able to find supportive people around you who will help you achieve your goals. Your communication will be good and there will be exchange of ideas and thoughts. 

Love/Relationship: For those who are in relationship, you can expect sharing and caring in your relation. You will sit together and think of the golden moments that you spent together. For singles, there is a good chance of meeting your partner this week through one of your known friend or family member. For some of you, you can re-connect with your ex-love too. 

Capricorn (December 22- January 20): Five of Pentacles

Five of Pentacles Tarot Card

Some kind of worry, anxiety, and fear may surround you this week. There is an indication of financial issue this week, so manage your finances well and save for the rainy day. Some may experience a financial loss too which may leave you worried and insecure. Your friends and relatives may not be helpful and you may have to handle things alone. There is always light at the end of the tunnel, if you put in effort you will be able to get help from the appropriate source. 

Career: This week will bring in a sense of insecurity at work. You may start feeling that your team mates are not involving you in the team work. You may not receive the support that you expected from your seniors too. You may have to face some rough time this week. Be prepared and handle the situation wisely.  

Love/Relationship: If you are in a relation, you may not get the support from your partner. You may feel being abandoned in your life. Your family may not provide the support that you require and you have to go through this all by yourself. If you have been going through tough time in your marriage, there are also chances of separation for some of you. If you are single, this may not be the right time for you to settle in your life. 

Aquarius (January 21-February 18):  The Tower

The Tower

This may be a chaotic week for some of you as there are chances that whatever you believed in turns out to be wrong. You have to experience some sudden and major changes in your life this week which may leave you shaken. This change may come unexpected. You have to be prepared to face it as there will be no time for you to realize what happened and why it happened. Try and stay away from gambling or any kind of investment. Don’t worry, this is going to be a temporary change which is  

Career: There may be some instability and insecurity at work for some you. Your belief in the system may be shaken due to some kind of change that may take place. The change may be sudden and unexpected. This may cause some stress for you. The hike that you have been waiting for or the promotion you thought would come to you may not happen now. Have patience and wait for the right time. 

Love/Relationship: For those in relation, this may be a week of some major misunderstanding which may even lead to breakup or separation for some of you. You may have to pass through the testing period and this may cause emotional trauma to you. Be strong and move ahead. If you are engaged, there are chances of betrayal or being cheated. For singles, it is better to stay alone for some more time.  

Pisces (February 19- March 20): Three of Swords

 Three of Swords

Some of you may have to go through some sorrow and grief this week. You may feel being cheated upon and may go through a heart break. Some of you may still be stuck in your past and not able to come out of your past experiences. You should learn the lesson that life is teaching you and move on instead of being stuck and spoil your future. 

Career: At work, you may have to face some difficult time as you may not receive the rewards or appreciation that you have been waiting for. You may also feel that you are being targetted upon and you are victim of office politics. Some may feel stuck in your present work and want to move out, however, may not find any new offers or opportunities. Try and focus on what you have and try to improve your situation. 

Love/Relationship: If you are in a relationship, you may have some misunderstanding this week. You may also have to face betrayal or be cheated in your relation. You may feel that you are being taken for granted. If you are single, you may feel stuck in your life. There may be delay in finding the right partner. 


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