What Do Birth Numbers Tell About Your Personality?

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Numerology, the study of numbers, tells a lot about an individual’s personality, career, relationships, health and life. This concept may be surprising to you, but your birth date reflects a lot about you. These birth or life path numbers start at number 1 and end at number 9. And calculating these numbers is like a breeze. Just add all the digits in your date of birth until it comes down to a single digit, and voila, you have your birth number. Let’s learn more about what these numbers mean. 

Birth Number 1:

People with birth number 1 are born on the 1st, 10th, 19th and 28th of any month. These people possess strength and power like none other. Independence is the key feature of people with this birth number. They are born to be leaders and have a practical approach towards life. You may not find these people sugarcoating their words as they are super straightforward and transparent with their feelings. Dominance, intelligence, assertiveness and determination are some characteristics of people with birth number 1. Ruled by the sun, these people are generally attractive looking and have commendable personalities.

Birth Number 2:

People born on the 2nd, 11th, 20th and 29th of any month have birth number 2. People with this birth number are as dreamy and gentle as the moon! You may often find these people helping someone or the other and taking good care of them. These people are highly sensitive and emotional and liven any room they walk in with positivity and new energy. Unlike the people born under birth number 1, they try to listen to their hearts over their minds. Creativity, imagination and artistic nature distinguish them from other people. They are very romantic, generous, kind and forgiving by nature. 

Birth Number 3:

People born on the 3rd, 12th, 21st, and 30th of any month have birth number 3. Thinking out of the box and the ability to solve problems are the main characteristics of these people. They are born to stand out and achieve their dreams. Working hard and being successful is what is their motto in life. These are people very trustworthy and have great decision-making abilities. People with birth number 3 are social birds and have their way with people as they are big-time extroverts with excellent communication skills. They, too, are very creative, love to explore and are down to having fun whenever you call them. 

Birth number 4:

4th, 13th, 22nd, and 31st are when people with birth number 4 have birthdays. One thing that makes them stand out is their hard work and discipline. Number 4 shows stability, practicality and high intelligence. These people are very consistent, punctual and analytical. They don’t like to adapt to new changes and take time to open up to new people. But, once they let you in, they are not leaving! You will see them running after new opportunities. The best part about them is that they will never give up and put in all their hard work to complete a task. They may, sometimes, be straightforward and have a habit of criticising. 

Birth Number 5:

People born on the 5th, 14th and 23rd of every month have birth number 5. These people are the life of a room. The energy that people with this birth number radiate is so powerful that people have a hard time not being with them. One of the best qualities they have is being flexible. Everyone loves to spend time with them and loves how easy-going they are. You will never see them without a smile on their face, and the way they so quickly solve and come out of a problem is commendable! They may not prefer to stick to a regular schedule and are always on the lookout for new thrilling experiences. 

Birth Number 6:

People with birthdays falling on the 6th, 15th and 24th of any month fall under birth number 6. The individuals ruled by this birth number are super charming and empathetic. They love to take responsibility for their loved ones. These people are highly dependable, trustworthy and loving. One trait that they have that you will not be able to notice very easily is being dominant and taking control. Their love life is something that most people look up to as they are the most devoted lovers. Fame and finance are two areas that build up their excitement!

Birth Number 7:

People with 7th, 16th and 25th as their birth dates have birth number 7. The traits that these individuals have are logistic and critical thinking, introspection and perfectionism. They are really close to god and strive for spiritual knowledge. These people try to find a logical answer to all their questions. They are at their prime when left alone as they do not like being distracted by others when working. They have a strong sense of justice and fairness. The only place they lack is when they start overthinking; this can make them very impatient. Your independent nature can help you stay away from home easily as your career may involve a lot of travel.

Birth Number 8:

People born on the 8th, 17th, and 26th have the number 8 as their birth number. People born under this numerology may have many opportunities in life to gain success. People born with this number may get distracted very easily and have difficulty concentrating and staying focused. They have a witty and quirky personalities and are very fun to be around. They always seek challenges and thrilling events in life. People falling under numerology 8 are very ambitious and goal-oriented. 

Birth Number 9:

Last but not least, we have birth number 9. People born on the 9th, 18th and 27th of any month fall under this numerological number. This birth number represents new beginnings, wholeness, satisfaction and power. As this is the last birth number among other birth numbers, people falling under this numerology have certain qualities from each number. They are very mature and accept people from all birth numbers with open arms. These people are very creative and imaginative. They have an amazing quality of letting things go. They have magnetic and charming personalities, which attract more people towards them.

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