5 Best Period Tracking Apps You Must Check Out

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Highlights Check out the list of best period tracking apps that are free and have some great features to make health management easier for you!

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You've probably used an app at some point to track your daily steps, the calories you burned during a HIIT session, or the amount of water you've consumed. In fact, according to a 2019 Gallup survey, almost one-third of Americans presently check their health statistics on a phone or tablet app (or have in the past). If you aren't managing your period the same way, you can be dealing with impromptu tampon runs or unexpected period leaks.

According to the Office of Women's Health (OWH) of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, keeping track of your menstrual cycle and the symptoms that go along with it can help you predict when your next period will start, when you're most likely to become pregnant, and how you might feel on those days. However, these apps can be especially helpful if you experience uncomfortable side effects (like severe cramping or bleeding), as you'll be able to share the app's data with your healthcare provider, making it simpler to investigate potential causes and find the treatments that are best for you, according to the OWH.

With that discussion comes the question of which app is the best for period tracking? Apparently, there are many period tracking apps available that are well-designed. This list also includes some free period tracking apps as well. 

1. Magic Girl - Free Period Tracker for Teens 

The idea of tracking your period in an app may seem scary if you don't yet receive your monthly flow (or know someone who does).

Fortunately, the MagicGirl Period Tracker was created with teenagers in mind, making it very simple to understand the digital ins and outs of your cycle. Additionally, you can communicate with other girls and get period advice from them using the app. 

There is no minimum or maximum age restriction for use because it is a fully functional period tracker, and most teens will find the colorful UI immediately appealing. Another benefit? It's free.

The 7 Best Period Tracking Apps

Image Source: Matellio

Available on: Android & IOS

Ratings: 4.6 (Google Play) 4.7 (App Store)

Price: Free 

2. Period Tracker Period Calendar - Best Period Tracking & Fertility Management App 

Another useful tool created to assist with tracking and managing the menstrual cycle is the Period Calendar Period Tracker. This app enables users to track symptoms, moods, and more in addition to tracking their period, fertility, and ovulation cycles. It also has a user-friendly layout. It also reminds you of your medicines and updates you about your fertility trends.

The Period Calendar Tracker app offers personalized insights and forecasts to help you make informed decisions and take charge of your reproductive health, whether you're trying to conceive or simply want to remain on top of your menstrual health.

Period Tracker App

Image Source: Uplabs

Available on: Android & IOS

Ratings: 4.9 (Google Play) 4.9 (App Store)

Price: Free 

3. Maya: Period Tracker for Women - Best Period Tracker App in India

If you like straightforward browsing, Maya is another of the top period tracker apps. An extremely thorough period monitoring tool with a simple and clear user interface. The Maya period tracking app can also be locked from inside its settings if you value your privacy, making sure that only you can access it.

Maya users may keep track of their symptoms, mood, temperature, weight, sexual activity, cervical mucus, and contraceptive use in addition to their flow, which is quite helpful if you frequently forget.

Period Tracker Apps: Maya And MIA Fem Are Sharing Deeply

Image Source: Buzzfeed News

Available on: Android & IOS

Ratings: 4.7 (Google Play) 4.7 (App Store)

Price: Free 

4. Clover Period Tracker - Safe Period Tracking App for Women Dealing with PCOD or PCOS

An innovative app created with your menstrual health in mind is Clover Period Tracker. With the use of this cutting-edge technology, you can easily keep track of your period, PMS symptoms, and other details regarding your cycle.

Learn more about yourself than ever with the help of the Clover App, which has over 4 million users globally. It offers easy access to intelligent forecasts based on data collected from every woman who uses it. The app is aware that keeping track of menstrual cycles can be challenging, so it aims to provide each woman with clarity throughout her monthly experience by combining scientific knowledge with feminine empathy and one-on-one assistance.

        Clover - Period Tracker Clover - Period tracker

Image source: Google Play

Available on: Android & IOS

Ratings: 4.5 (Google Play) 4.5 (App Store)

Price: Free 

5. Flo Ovulation & Period Tracker - Claimed as World's Best Period & Ovulation Tracker

Millions of users throughout the world download the software to help them with issues linked to ovulation, pregnancy, and infertility. The application guarantees anonymity and has a clear, user-friendly design.

To ensure that you never forget to log your data, you may set up personalized reminders. Its main objectives are to encourage and assist pregnant women in maintaining their health and exercising.

Flo - Ovulation Calendar, Period Tracker, and Pregnancy App

Image Source: Nixalina

Available on: Android & IOS

Ratings: 4.6 (Google Play) 4.8 (App Store)

Price: Free 

Create healthy habits by tracking your period with best free period-tracking apps

This application can offer insights into your cycle, symptoms, and moods as you start to enter more data into the app. It can also more precisely monitor your ovulation and subsequent period.

Like any new habit, tracking your periods using an application may take some time to get used to, but once you do, you won't want to stop. Tracking your menstrual cycle can not only help you recognize when your period is coming, but it can also completely change the way you feel about yourself. Everyone can gain from becoming more aware of their bodies and understanding why they feel a specific way at particular times of the month.

Tracking your fitness or mental health is an excellent approach to getting in touch with your body in addition to tracking your period.

Logged in user's profile picture

Which are best free period tracking apps?
<ol><li>Magic Girl</li><li>Period Tracker Period Calendar</li><li>Maya: Period Tracker for Women</li><li>Clover Period Tracker</li><li>Flo Ovulation & Period Tracker</li></ol>