7 Essential Tips for Managing Period Pain in Hot Weather!

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Dealing with period pain is not so fun! If you’re someone who deals with period pain, you know that it is the most difficult thing to manage both period pain and hot weather. Our body tends to produce more heat during periods, and when it's hot, that can make the situation even worse. You've to take yourself more seriously during menstruation when it's hot outside. 

We may experience more mood swings and often feel frustrated during menstruation, right? You know the climate can also affect your mood quickly. So, here are the essential tips for managing period pain in hot weather.

7 Essential Tips for How to Manage Period Pain Naturally in Hot Weather:

1) Drink More Water

a woman drinking water

Firstly, you've to make sure to drink more water throughout the day. Your body needs more water in hot weather and degradation also makes you feel more discomfort. If you’re bored of drinking water, try some refreshing drinks or add mint to your water.  The best choice is coconut water. It helps to reduce heat in your body immediately and you feel more refreshed. If you’re looking for the best period pain relief, then coconut water also reduces period pain. 

2) Always choose cotton and breathable clothing 

Wear cotton and loose-fitting dresses during your period. Tight clothes can make you feel very uncomfortable during hot weather. Always opt for breathable and cotton clothes. Because dresses play a major role when it comes to hot weather. 

3) Use Cooling Packs, Cold Compress or DIY Ice Packs

Use a cooling pack on your abdomen or a cold compress. It can work wonders for relieving your menstrual cramps,  especially during hot weather. You can also prepare a DIY ice pack. Take a cotton cloth, put some ice cubes on it, and wrap it. Just gently apply it to your abdomen. Do not apply ice cubes directly to the skin. This is one of the effective methods for managing period pain

4) Take Cool Showers

When it's hot outside, I know we’re all craving to take a cool shower, right? Cool showers can help relax your muscles and relieve period pain. But don't take too many cool showers if you have a nasal allergy. Not only does a refreshing drink make you feel refreshed, but a cold shower can also make you feel more refreshed. 

5) Avoid Caffeine and Processed foods

I know you can’t avoid cravings during menstruation. It might be tempting to eat processed food, junk food, chips, caffeine drinks, etc. But it's totally bad for your health. It makes you bloated and uncomfortable in hot weather.

6) Practice Gentle Exercise for Managing Period Pain

Morning 10-minute exercises work wonders during menstruation. Try simple exercises or just walk around. Endorphins, which are natural pain relievers, are released when you’re in movement. So try a little bit of gentle exercise. Avoid those heavy exercises that cause dehydration. Don't forget to drink more water after you exercise and walk.

7) Take Rest  

Avoid going outside when you’re in period pain in hot weather. It can increase your discomfort and make you fatigued. Take breaks from your regular schedule to give your body some rest. And of course, if you want, you can enjoy the outdoors, but your body needs more rest during that time.

Managing period pain in hot weather is really tough. The above tips are effective methods for managing period pain in hot weather. Everyone's body is different and everyone demands different things during periods of pain in hot weather. So try what makes you feel more comfortable. Periods are a rollercoaster; one day you may feel very happy and another day you may feel very frustrated. It's all about hormonal changes. So don't worry about it. Whether you have period pain or no period pain, always prioritise your health.

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