Effective Coping Strategies for New Moms

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It's impossible to know what life will be like with a new baby. A newborn can be a whirlwind of activity and excitement in your life, but they can also be a source of stress and exhaustion. Early parenthood becomes much more difficult if your infant is always crying or refuses to sleep. When friends and family ask about the crying, the sleepless nights, or the tenth nappy change of the day, you may grin serenely. But it is natural to be frustrated and tired. The pleasure you derive from coos and embraces is tempered by the difficulty of newborn care. You won't be able to truly comprehend how it feels unless you've experienced it.

You might be capable of the most physically demanding activities, such as cleaning your entire house, but adjusting to life with a newborn might make you feel like a gibbering mess. These tips will help you cope with mommy stress and the challenges of having a kid, whether you're getting into early parenthood or a seasoned pro:

Allow yourself to lower your standards

Leave a few dishes in the sink and the shelves in a state of disarray. Clean garments can be kept in the washing basket or even stacked on the floor until needed. With a new diaper wipe, you can disinfect the restroom. It's fine to not strive for perfection; being a new mother comes with its own set of tasks. 

Engage in physical activity 

It may sound paradoxical, but exercise might help you feel more energised when you're exhausted. Getting outside in the sunshine is a surefire mood booster. Before settling down for that extended stretch of nightly sleep, your babies must spend a certain amount of energy. You can take them for a walk or do some exercise with them during the inevitable evening commotion.

Shower, dress, and go outside every day

Allowing warm water to stream over achy muscles can be therapeutic and beneficial to one's health. It's crucial to change into a clean wardrobe, even if it's only switching from one pair of sweatpants to another. You are also more likely to go outside if you have a clean body and new clothes. Breathing fresh air and feeling the earth beneath your feet can help you re-acquaint yourself with regular life following the animalistic process of giving birth, whether it's for a walk around the neighbourhood or a trip to the café for a coffee. You will feel more human if you do these things.

Eat healthy

You will feel better if you eat healthy. It will assist you in recovering from the birth and maintaining a consistent level of energy. Because you won't have the energy to prepare, choose simple snacks and dinners. Low GI foods, such as wholegrains and fruits and vegetables, provide a delayed release of energy. Protein-rich foods, such as meat, fish, beans, eggs, cheese, nuts, and seeds, should also be included in your daily diet. Whether you're breastfeeding or using a formula, this is crucial to tackle mommy stress.

Make an effort to have a strong support group

This might be just other girlfriends, other moms in similar situations, older women who have been there and can offer insight and wisdom on your situation, or it could be a structured support group. In any case, choose a group of people with whom you feel completely at ease, with whom you can discuss your true sentiments and receive both good and constructive input on your position.

Rotate night duty 

If you're doing this with a partner, split up the responsibilities and attempt to alternate weeknights to ease the new mom anxiety at night. Taking shifts throughout the night, for example, one of you waking up at 2 a.m. for the feeding and the other for the 4:30 a.m. feeding. This will keep you both from always being sleep deprived and cranky. One of you will always get a decent night's sleep as a result of this arrangement.

Take a breather and relax

It’s normal and good if you need to go somewhere alone for a while, don't feel like a guilty mom fot it. Make sure your kids are secure, walk away, and decompress; do something for yourself. Deep abdominal breathing, gradual relaxation techniques, meditation, and prayer are some of the things you can try. These items have been shown to help relax and gain perspective, allowing you to better deal with life's obstacles.

Try to be social 

Even though you're sleepy most of the time, talking with family, friends and other adults might be beneficial. Make friends with others, and to keep in touch with them and family, use video chats or social media while adjusting to life with a newborn. This is particularly crucial during the COVID-19 pandemic, when social distancing can make new parents feel particularly alienated.

Learn how to recognise the indications of stress in yourself

When you start to feel overwhelmed, hearing other new moms describe their early days as the "most magical time of their lives" can make you feel like there's something wrong with you. When you find yourself in a stressful scenario, you often notice your blood pressure rising, heart rate increasing, chest hammering and even feeling dizzy. When you observe these physical indicators or your mood shifts, remember that your body is attempting to tell you something.

There's nothing wrong with you, so don't worry. It's just that people who are struggling aren't as vociferous as those who are having a good time. Seek expert treatment if you're feeling overwhelmed by the burden of parenting and aren't finding much joy in your daily life.

Try to postpone projects that consume a lot of your energy

It's necessary to rebuild your priorities following the arrival of the baby, since often having a newborn might disrupt the regular path of your life and planned projects. Trying to strike a balance can be difficult, and as a new mom, you may feel lost, with no time to take care of your own job or fitness demands after the birth of your child. Adjustment takes time, and you and your partner should allow for that.

Nothing can fully prepare you for the new mom struggles and the stress that comes with it. Even if your friends try to explain the late-night wake-ups, weeping, diapering, and nursing, you won't fully understand until you experience it yourself. It's natural to feel overwhelmed as a new mother. That is why prioritising self-care and taking things easy is so crucial.

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