Move over Gryffindor, Ravenclaw is the best Hogwarts house. Let me tell you why.

2 minute


Or yet, in wise old Ravenclaw,If you're a ready mind, Where those of wit and learning, Will always find their kind.

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With the everlasting conflict between which is the most superior house, I have always been clear. I honestly cannot recall ever wanting to be anything else, having identified as a Ravenclaw for as long as I can remember. You can imagine my relief when Pottermore sorted me and had my lifelong understanding confirmed: I am wholeheartedly, without a doubt, a Ravenclaw.

Contrary to popular belief, the mascot of Ravenclaw is an eagle, not a raven. The eagle is a symbol of strength and immortality, and it is closely linked to the gods Zeus and Odin.

Luna Lovegood, arguably the most lovable character to ever exist, is – of course – a Ravenclaw. Cho Chang, another Ravenclaw, showed that being analytical doesn’t mean you can’t show emotion too. Garrick Ollivander, considered to be the world’s best wandmaker, was a Ravenclaw as well. He used both his creativity and his knowledge to be successful in wandlore. Professor Flitwick, Head of Ravenclaw House, was a champion duelist. There is a long line of talented Ravenclaws in all areas of the wizarding world.

We aren't untainted and always pure I must add. Professor Quirrell and Professor Lockhart were both Ravenclaws. Quirrell was tempted by the enticement of Dark magic. Lockhart let his pride get the best of him.

Ravenclaws crave all knowledge, even the knowledge of evil.

I feel a little weird showing House pride as a Ravenclaw sometimes. I’m not trying to proclaim that I’m smarter than you or rub my intelligence in others’ faces, but if Gryffindors can be proud of their courage, why can’t I be proud of my wisdom? “Wit beyond measure is man’s greatest treasure” after all. And that’s something that I admire about Ravenclaw – an entire House full of people who value education, learning, and knowledge. They are constantly striving to be better and to learn more. What more can you hope for in the people that you surround yourself with?

Ravenclaws are creative and independent. They value logic and can find innovative solutions to problems. They observe and take in all that they see. Fun fact, the coolest part about Ravenclaw is the entrance to their common room: You have to answer a riddle to get in. What’s most amazing is that this has been foolproof against all non-Ravenclaws. I’m not sure how nobody wanting to break into Ravenclaw Tower has been successful, but it’s a happy thought that that’s all the protection they need.

And, everyone looks good in Blue. 


1. What are some of the Hufflepuff traits?

Some of the most common Hufflepuff traits are as follows- 

  • Hufflepuffs are said to have a better understanding of right and wrong.
  • They are dedicated, patient and loyal. 
  • Hufflepuffs are also seen to value hard work.

2. Which Harry Potter house is the best?

As per a lot of Potter heads, the best house of Harry Potter is Gryffindor because they are honest and courageous. 

3. Which Harry Potter house is the worst?

Slytherin is the worst harry potter house as per a lot of Potter Heads. 


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