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Highlights This blog is about how women can earn an equal status in a relationship instead of being the sole sacrifice. It emphasizes the importance of contribution from both the partners in a relationship to make it sustain for long. Women own their freedom and men must respect their rights.

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Every relationship requires some patience, some compromises and some sacrifices. And if the relationship involves a woman, she’s entitled to make the sacrifices. I am not trying to be a typical feminist but pointing out what I have seen over the years. 

It’s no secret that when a girl reaches her early twenties, people around her, rather I would mark, her family circle around her prepares her to become a chef, a family caretaker and a homemaker. Contrastingly when a guy enters his twenties, he is given the power to take over his family business, work in his dream company or explore his passion.

When the society we live in has always demonstrated this patriarchy generations after generations, it's become a custom that females run the house while their male partners are entitled to be the sole breadwinner for the family. Times are changing, notions are changing, and women are working in offices today, women are involved in crucial family decisions, and they are being empowered.

However, there is still a mentality that if a woman has the freedom to work or explore her passion, it is because of the grand generosity and the big-hearted nature of her male partner. If a woman excels in something, credits flow in for her husband who favoured her freedom and the support to accomplish her dreams. 

I agree it is good that a person helps his partner live her dreams and her liberty. The fault that I find is in the mentality, in the perspective of society in assuming men always do favours to women as women are inferior or incapable. Women own their right to freedom, men are not doing any favour by letting them avail their rights. 

I know that society has played a vital role in establishing this mindset among men. But not only men women also live with the same perspective. And that is where relationships lose their balance in the long run.

A relationship runs smooth and long when both the partners contribute equally and have mutual respect rather than assuming one to be inferior or doing favours to the other. Helping each other is a must and appreciable, however, the help must come out of love and respect.

Often we see the society that usually considers women inferior, hails praises for them on women’s day. They have personified a woman to be a superhuman because of the sacrifices she makes in her entire life but does not take the courtesy to split up her duties. Isn’t this hypocrisy?

The honour, the respect, the praises that you shower on her on women’s day must stay consistent on all 365 days. 

At this point, I would mark that women are also responsible for this as they keep underrating themselves. For others to value us, we must value ourselves first.

For this, women must start empowering themselves. Are you wondering how? 

So, for all the females out there, here is a short checklist on how you can begin empowering yourself so that society realizes your strength along with your worth.

  • Speak your heart out, and do not bury your inner voice. Voice out whatever you feel is right or wrong. Suffering in silence is more a crime. 
  • Do not let your passion hide within. Start exploring your hobby, indulge in activities that give you mental peace. 
  • If you are stuck at home due to family responsibilities, do not assume it to be a barrier to your career. Start freelancing in the field of your interest while working from your place.
  • Start your business no matter however small scale it might be. 
  • Learn to drive two-wheelers and four-wheelers. It’s time to break the stereotypes that women are bad drivers. 
  • Learn to manage finances. No matter if you are a housewife, a working lady, a student, whether young or old, everyone must learn at least the basics of finance. Learning to manage finance makes one independent and confident.
  • Stay aligned with the latest technologies and worldly updates. Technology makes life easier, and you should learn to leverage them.
  • Learn about various investment opportunities like the stock market, crypto market, NFTs, etc. I don’t persuade you to invest in them and lose money but have some knowledge about these latest trends. Study the market, research well and then if you feel confident enough, invest. 
  • Start giving your valuable opinions in crucial family discussions. 
  • Invest your time in fitness and maintaining good health.
  • Upskill yourself regularly to establish expertise in your field.
  • Pamper yourself on your achievements.

When women start empowering and respecting themselves, society will automatically believe that women are equal to men. It’s high time to break the bias. Stop underrating and start encouraging yourself to progress consistently. 

Your partner will give you equal space and respect in the relationship, but for that, you must take the first step. Build such an image of yourself that your relationship gets balanced outright in all aspects.

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