PCOS And Pregnancy

4 minute

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PCOS (Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome) is a hormonal disorder which has become extremely common in women of childbearing age. It is as common as it affects 1 in 5 Indian women. It is a condition where a woman's ovaries produce male hormones in excess. Due to excess male hormone secretion, the eggs do not get matured hence ovulation does not take place. Another reason why eggs do not get fully matured is insulin resistance. Also, Polycystic means multiple cysts, PCOS is a condition where multiple cysts develop in a woman’s ovaries. As ovulation does not take place regularly, PCOS often interferes with some women’s menstrual cycle which leads to difficulty in getting pregnant and sometimes leads to infertility.

A black and white picture of a pregnant lady



Though the symptoms of PCOS are easily detectable, sometimes women with PCOS do not realise that they have PCOS until they try to conceive. 

The common symptoms of PCOS are:

  1. Irregular periods

  2. Absence of periods

  3. Heavy periods

  4. Hirsutism or excessive hair growth on face, chest, abdomen and back.

  5. Hormonal acne

  6. Hair thinning on scalp

  7. Obesity

  8. Diabetes 

  9. Thyroid 

  10. Infertility 

  11. Fatigue

  12. Anxiety and depression 

  13. Mood swings 

  14. Hyperpigmentation

  15. Pelvic pain


These are the most common symptoms of PCOS. Some women do not realise they have PCOS as they might have hidden symptoms. 



“Can I get pregnant with PCOS” is one of the most common questions asked on the internet by women with PCOS. And a simple answer to this question is YES, PCOS and becoming pregnant is very much possible. Though it is true that getting pregnant with PCOS is more difficult than getting pregnant otherwise. As ovulation does not happen regularly in women with PCOS, they often tend to miss their menstrual periods which leads to difficulty in falling pregnant naturally. Also, PCOS also affects the egg quality which is another reason why it is difficult to conceive with PCOS. But luckily, due to advancement in medical science there are many options you can go for if PCOS and falling pregnant naturally is not the case for you.

A pregnant woman's belly with baby shoes in her hands


Keep a track of your menstrual cycle:

This option is for those women who get their periods regularly. Even though some women have PCOS, they get their periods on time every month without any complications. They might have other symptoms that lead to PCOS but irregular periods is not one of them. Chances of getting pregnant are higher in this case as it is easier for them to keep a track as to when they ovulate as getting pregnant majorly depends on your ovulation dates. Keep a track on your fertile window and try to have intercourse around your ovulation days. 

A box with a pregnancy test in it with flowers on the side


Doctors often prescribe medication for ovulation. Ovulation medications other than birth controls are really effective when it comes to pregnancy. Birth control can help you get your periods regularly but will not help you to get pregnant. There is a procedure which your doctor might suggest if you are trying to conceive. If one medication does not work, there are other options available to which your doctor will go for. Medications improve your fertility and are one of the most common options for women who are trying to conceive.



PCOS and IVF pregnancy is the light of many women’s lives. IVF increases your chances of getting pregnant  and is getting more common day by day.  IVF is Invitro Fertilisation and is very effective when it comes to difficulty in conceiving. IVF is a process where mature eggs from a woman’s ovaries are collected and then are fertilised with sperm outside her body. 



IUI is another successful option to consider if you are planning to get pregnant with PCOS. IUI stands for Intrauterine Insemination which requires collection of sperms and directly inserting it in your uterus closer to the eggs around your ovulation days. This method is effective as the sperms are inserted as close to the eggs as possible increasing the chances of fertilization.

There are many other medical ways you can go for if you are trying to conceive.



Getting pregnant with PCOS naturally is not a myth. Many women have gotten pregnant with PCOS and had a healthy pregnancy and delivery. There are many natural ways you can go for if you are trying to get pregnant:


Weight Loss:

Weight loss PCOS and pregnancy is the most effective and helpful way if you want to get pregnant. Being overweight and obese can decrease your chances of getting pregnant. Losing weight can help with your insulin resistance and excessive male hormones. 


Having a good diet:

Having a good diet and proper nutrition can really help women who are trying to conceive with PCOS. Eating a well balanced diet with all the nutrients can again help with insulin resistance. Try to avoid processed and sugary food as much as possible. Following an anti-inflammatory diet can also prove to be really helpful for PCOS.

A lot of vegetables like onions, cucumber, mushrooms, etc

Managing stress:

Managing stress is yet another way to get pregnant with PCOS. It is again linked to insulin resistance and hormonal imbalance. Managing stress can lead to decreased male hormone and better insulin resistance.


Exercising regularly:

Exercising regularly is one simple lifestyle change that you can make to make your pregnancy process easier. Exercising regularly can lead to weight loss which in return helps with pregnancy.

A lady exercising with a gym ball

Getting enough sleep:

Sleeping is directly linked to balancing hormones. Getting enough sleep and a good night's sleep can increase your chances of getting pregnant as it can help with decreasing male hormones and improving hormonal imbalance.

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Is it possible to get pregnant with PCOS?
“Can I get pregnant with PCOS” is one of the most common questions asked on the internet by women with PCOS. And a simple answer to this question is YES, PCOS and becoming pregnant is very much possible. Though it is true that getting pregnant with PCOS is more difficult than getting pregnant otherwise. As ovulation does not happen regularly in women with PCOS, they often tend to miss their menstrual periods which leads to difficulty in falling pregnant naturally. Also, PCOS also affects the egg quality which is another reason why it is difficult to conceive with PCOS. But luckily, due to advancement in medical science there are many options you can go for if PCOS and falling pregnant naturally is not the case for you.
What are the medical options of getting pregnant with PCOS?
The medical options of getting pregnant with PCOS are: <ol> <li> Keeping track of your menstrual cycle</li> <li>Medications</li> <li>IVF</li> <li>IUI</li> </ol>
What are the natural ways of getting pregnant with PCOS?
The natural ways of getting pregnant with PCOS are: <ol> <li> Weight loss</li> <li>Having a good diet</li> <li>Managing stress</li> <li>Exercising regularly</li> <li> Getting enough sleep</li> </ol>