Self-care New Year Resolutions every Woman should take in 2024

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Highlights As a brand-new year awaits us, it’s time to rework on those goals and strive towards a better tomorrow. Move over setting the common New Year resolutions and focus on things that will benefit your mental health.

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The countdown to the New Year has begun. As we move to the end of 2023, it’s time to set new goals and make some positive changes. While making New Year resolutions is not a bad thing, we all get sucked into a rat race. We’re constantly told to set goals that involve a ‘hustle and grind’ mindset. In the New Year, let’s strive to become the best version of ourselves. In the quest of being more productive, let’s not neglect self-care. Think of your resolution as a roadmap for personal growth. Go beyond the common ones including ‘weight loss’, ‘quit smoking’, ‘save money’ and so on. Of course, they can be a part of your list but focus on doing some self-care related. Honestly, self-care is easier said than done. Taking care of your mental, physical, emotional and spiritual well-being is something that needs work every day.

Goal setting shouldn’t be unrealistic and unviable. New Year resolutions should be simple, realistic and achievable.

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How to Make 2024 the Year of Self-care for you?

If you’re looking to prioritise self-care this year, we have six New Year resolutions you can work towards:

a woman sleeping on a bed

  • Make sleep a priority

Sleeping better is associated with several physical and mental health benefits. On an average, an adult should get at least eight hours of sleep every night. A lot of women who lead a busy life don’t usually get to sleep for such an extended period of time. Thus, if you’re not someone who is sleeping enough every night, make it a point to set up a routine. Once you cultivate the habit of sleeping at a particular time every day, you will experience an increased alertness the next day. It helps you recoup from physical, emotional and mental exhaustion. A few tips to ensure your sleep is healthy and consistent include limiting screen time and completely avoiding caffeine, sugar and alcohol at bedtime.

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  • Practice a morning routine

I believe the way you start your morning sets the tone for the rest of the day. If you’re someone who wakes up in a haphazard manner every day and rushes to work without having breakfast, you need to change that. Having a morning routine is immensely important. We don’t mean you need to wake up at 5am. Start by waking up at the same time every day. It may be 7am or 8am depending on your schedule. In case you have to reach work at a particular time, prepare your breakfast the night before. Embracing a routine is essential to self-care. Also, if you get a lot done in the morning, you’re less likely to feel stressed throughout the day. Another way to take care of your mental health is by sitting at the same spot every morning and thinking about what the day ahead has in store for you. If you can throw in a mindfulness routine, you will truly feel energised.

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  • Express gratitude

In the hustle-bustle of everyday life, we often forget to express gratitude and be thankful for all that we have in life. As part of your self-care New Year resolution, make it a point to express gratitude. There are numerous ways of doing this. However, if you’re a beginner, we recommend you start with a gratitude journal. Reflect on the things you’re thankful for and pen them down in your book. The things you’re grateful for can be big or small. A few examples include supportive friends, family, a stable job, your pet, good health, a goodnight’s sleep, and so on. Once you start practicing gratitude daily, you will realise the miraculous benefits it has on your life. Better mental health, interpersonal relationships and enhanced well-being is guaranteed. Other ways of expressing gratitude include doing charity and writing a thoughtful note to someone you truly appreciate.

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  • Indulge in a skincare routine

Self-care and skincare go hand-in-hand. As part of your resolution, make it a point to create a skincare regime. It’s something that should go beyond a morning and night routine. When we say skincare, we don’t mean applying a gazillion products on your face. We simply mean taking small yet effective steps to ensure your skin is happy and healthy. Take an oath to drink plenty of water in the New Year. Aim for two litres of water per day at a minimum. Other ideas for your skincare goals include applying sunscreen, moisturising your face, exfoliating once a week, eating clean, removing makeup before going to bed and getting plenty of beauty sleep. When you stick to a solid skincare routine, you will see real results.

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  • Consider taking a break from social media

Social media isn’t just about posting pictures online. There is a dark side to it too. It definitely has an adverse effect on our mental health. The problem here is that everything looks good on social media because everyone is only talking about their successes and not their failures. When you see another person’s seemingly perfect life, you can feel pretty inadequate. As we venture into another year, try taking a break from social media. If you’re spending too much time on apps like Instagram and WhatsApp, you need a social detox. It can considerably contribute to your self-care. Scrolling aimlessly will just make you unhappier. Take a three-month break and see how you feel. You will find yourself in a position where you’re using your time in a better and more productive way.

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  • To speak up for yourself

You might wonder how this is connected to self-care. Well, being able to speak-up for what is right is a remedy in itself. When you start believing that your voice and experiences are valid, and you can stand by your words without getting scared, you will feel more worthy and accomplished. As a self-care New Year resolution, be determined to speak up for yourself. You don’t have to be brash and argue with others. It’s just about making up your mind to take a stand. Speak up against any kind of injustice and inequality.   


Always remember, self-care is a journey not a destination. You need to be patient with yourself as you make these lifestyle changes. You cannot expect results overnight. Track your progress, be realistic and reward yourself along the journey.

Do you believe in New Year resolutions? What’s on your list this year? Let us know in the comments section below.

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