Top 6 Beauty Books Every Self-Care Enthusiast Must Read!

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Discover a library of beauty books that will guarantee health and wellness for beautiful skin inside and out!

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I'm going to break one of your habits today. That's right, I am!

Which habit? The habit of following the advice of people online you don't even know about your skin and hair care.

It is not always necessary to turn to YouTube and Instagram videos by influencers for skin care, hair care, body care, and grooming hacks. This article will introduce you to 6 amazing books that will change the way you think about beauty and wellness. Choose books written by trusted experts based on their years of extensive research and studies and get the right knowledge you need to stay beautiful inside out!

We've been really focused on how we look on the outside for a long time. But we haven't given much thought to what's inside us, or at least we haven't connected the two. Our skin and hair aren't just about how they end up looking. It's more about taking the time to look after ourselves, which makes us feel more connected to our inner happiness. I like beauty tips, just like the next person, but what really makes them better is adding a bit of self-care. That's what turns a tip into something that helps us more in the long run.

If you want to make your daily routines feel new again or if you're interested in spending a little more time taking care of yourself, beauty books can really help. Whether they're new books or ones that have been around for a while, I've chosen some of the best ones for you to read this year and keep on your bookshelf to refer to in the future.

1. The Book of Lymph by Lisa Levitt Gainsley

The Book of Lymph : Gainsley, Lisa Levitt: Books

From rolling jade and massaging our faces to doing exercises like face yoga, the beauty industry is really into trying all sorts of things to make our skin look better and reduce puffiness. These techniques can help, but there's something else in our bodies that's super important for getting rid of swelling and bags under the eyes. It's called the lymphatic system. In this book written by Lisa Levitt Gainsley, who knows a lot about lymphatic drainage, you can find a guide to understanding and doing lymphatic drainage on your own. Doing a special massage for your lymphatic system isn't just about making your skin less puffy. It's about doing careful movements that can help with things like bloating, tummy problems, headaches, pimples, swelling, and even when you're feeling anxious. 

Ratings: 4.7/5

Number of pages: 368

Year of publishing: 2021

2. Dirty Looks: The Secret to Beautiful Skin – Whitney Bowe MD

Buy DIRTY LOOKS: The Secret to Beautiful Skin Book Online at Low Prices in  India | DIRTY LOOKS: The Secret to Beautiful Skin Reviews & Ratings -

If you want your skin to change and become better, you should figure out why your skin has problems in the first place. A renowned skin doctor, Dr. Whitney Bowe, wrote a book that guides us about how our stomach can affect our skin. She talks about how sleep, the food we eat, our tummy's health, and stress are connected and explains it in a simple way. In her book, she gives a plan for 21 days to help your stomach get healthier, which will make your skin healthier and shiny. If you want skin that looks great from the inside, you should definitely read this book!

Ratings: 4.3/5

Number of pages: 288

Year of publishing: 2019

3. Let's Face It by Rio Viera-Newton

Let's Face It: Secrets of a Skincare Obsessive : Viera-Newton, Rio: Books

We all know someone who's really good with beauty tips and tricks, and they also know which products are the best. Well, Rio Viera-Newton from New York Magazine is like that knowledgeable friend for all of us. In this book, she shares amazing beauty advice that you'll love and find helpful. Rio talks about the five most important things for skincare, how to deal with specific skin problems based on your skin type, how to make sure your beauty routine works really well, and a lot more.

Ratings: 4.5/5

Number of pages: 208

Year of publishing: 2021

4. Skincare for Your Soul by Jude Chao


Korean skincare is all about making your skin look glowing and taking care of yourself. In the book "Skincare for Your Soul: Achieving Outer Beauty and Inner Peace with Korean Skincare," Jude Chao tells us how Korean skincare works. It's not just about making your skin look better, but also about feeling better inside. This book helps you understand the step-by-step process of Korean skincare, and it talks about how it can help you relax and feel good. It's not about rushing to see quick changes; it's about gradually getting better skin and enjoying the journey. This book teaches us that skincare isn't just about looking good, it's about taking care of ourselves.

Ratings: 4.6/5

Number of pages: 248

Year of publishing: 2021

5. Skincare Decoded: The Practical Guide to Beautiful Skin

Buy Skincare Decoded: The Practical Guide to Beautiful Skin Book Online at  Low Prices in India | Skincare Decoded: The Practical Guide to Beautiful  Skin Reviews & Ratings -

Taking care of your skin can feel overwhelming, which is the opposite of feeling good. With all the new trends and different advice, it's hard to know what's best for healthy skin. In this book by Victoria Fu and Gloria Lu, they help you understand everything about skincare. They talk about the basic steps for skincare and explore important things like vitamin C, retinol, and alpha hydroxy acids. They also give you strong tips to make your own skincare routine that's perfect for you.

Ratings: 4.7/5

Number of pages: 240

Year of publishing: 2021

6. Face Fitness: Simple Exercises and Rituals for Toned, Glowing Skin

Face Fitness: Simple Exercises and Rituals for Toned, Glowing Skin: San  Pedro, Patricia, Ines Gul, Maria: 9781797205236: Books

Face fitness is like a workout for your face that can make your skin look better without using things like Botox. In this book, Patricia San Pedro teaches us how to do this. Instead of just creams and stuff, this book talks about doing exercises and stretches for your face. It even has positive sayings and words to help you feel good. The book is about finding your own inner glow by doing exercises that many celebrities love to do for their faces.

Ratings: 4.6/5

Number of pages: 192

Year of publishing: 2021

Closing Thoughts

The first step to truly transforming your skin is to transform your perspective! Read, learn, update, and understand the science behind skin and the factors affecting it to truly take care of your beauty.

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