Weekly Tarotscopes by the Tarot Priestess(28th June- 4th July)

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By Mahasweta Mazumder

Aries (March 21 - April 20):

It's a sign that you'll have to put in a lot of work and effort this week. Although things will be difficult for you, the end is in sight. It may appear like you are not progressing at times, but this is not the case. Continue to move and keep pushing. You will ultimately have a better tomorrow.

Taurus (April 21 - May 21):

The Four of Pentacles might suggest that you are holding to people, things, situations, or previous difficulties. It might be an indicator that you have deep-seated difficulties that you need to process and let go of. It might also mean that you need to set your own boundaries or respect the boundaries of others.

Gemini (May 22 - June 21):

In general, the card is a highly favorable one. It signifies strong friendships as well as the ability to share emotionally and spiritually with people around you. Individuals who are healthy and well-rounded, who freely express their goals and successes rather than concealing them, are depicted here. The card is extremely feminine — yet it might also indicate feminine forces at work, rather than women in particular.

Cancer (June 22 - July 22):

When we see the Six of Swords in a reading, we are being challenged to realize the necessity of change — and to have faith in ourselves and our capacity to deal with whatever comes next. The concept of emotional baggage is also addressed here. The Six of Swords reminds us that our own past and experiences may cage us and hinder us from embracing a fresh beginning.

Leo (July 23 - August 23):

You're generally rather clear about your position on, well, practically everything. You're assertive, focused, and rational. But this week the Lovers introduces a whole new mood. You are agitated, emotional, uncertain, and skeptical. Your mind is at odds with your heart. You need to relax! Don't attempt to force an answer. Ride the waves of doubt, pay attention to your worries, and wait for a clear route to emerge.  Don't worry; everything will be OK.

Virgo (August 24 - September 22):

The appearance of the Knight of Cups this week means that something will change or that something previously concealed will be exposed! You could be swept off your feet and fall in love — or something hidden may be disclosed to you — or someone from your past may appear — or you may receive an invitation — or you may begin a new friendship or connection — or you may receive a marriage proposal.

Libra (September 23 - October 23):

This is a card that encourages adaptability, innovative thinking, and seizing opportunities as they occur. It is best to make hay while the sun shines because The Wheel will spin again and who knows where it will take us. Preparation is important, but when you don't know what's going to happen next, it may become a waste of energy. Whether you're soaring high or low, this card indicates that you're in a temporary position. All you can do is bring a sense of humor, a can-do attitude, and adaptability to your life. It is always evolving.

Scorpio (October 24 - November 22):

The Hierophant brings incredible hope and aspirations that are spiritual and high to achieve at this moment in time. Although it is the bearer of our most positive, divine beliefs, it might speak of someone's inability to see reality and face the world just as it is today. We are reminded of purpose and meaning to all things we wish to learn about. It tells us we have something more to learn to be able to fully materialize what we want to and wants us to travel, change perspectives, and expand our horizons as much as possible.

Sagittarius (November 23 - December 21):

Nobody can dispute that a six of cups card urges you to set aside your worries and pressures and rediscover the joy and excitement of being a child. You're ready to let go, to engage in simple yet amusing activities, and, most importantly, to fight less and stop worrying about everything. As an adult, how can you recreate the joy of your childhood years? Simply sit down and pick up your favorite childhood book, perform a crazy dance, or play some of your favorite childhood games.

Capricorn (December 22 - January 20):

Things may appear to be difficult, but you've seen worse. And you're prepared for everything that comes your way. You're well aware that this is your chance to shine. You are motivated by an unwavering sense of purpose. It enables you to access inner stores that others may only dream about. Some of these reserves are derived from the experiences you've had throughout your life. You've learned how to achieve and how to deal with adversity.

Aquarius (January 21 - February 18):

The Moon represents illusion and the subconscious. When it appears in a reading, it usually means that something from our subconscious has risen. This surfacing can result in a variety of outcomes: Perhaps a hidden emotion or memory suddenly becomes important in some manner. Our decisions may be influenced by a childhood event or a deep-seated fear. In other situations, a subconscious liking, hate, or prejudice may influence our view without our being aware of it.

Pisces (February 19 - March 20):

The Chariot Tarot card depicts overcoming difficulties with perseverance, attention, and willpower. You will be driven, ambitious, and in command. Now is the time to go after what you truly desire. The Chariot is not without its difficulties; there may be many hurdles in your way, but if you stay focused, maintain your calm, and have faith in your skills, you will be victorious! It can also signify travel, as The Chariot is a method of transportation. The Chariot might also suggest that you are acting defensively or forcefully to conceal your emotional vulnerability.

An insight into the coming week! Let us know if you resonate with our readings and pour in our responses.

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