Why Sudden Big Boobs can be a Sign of Health Concern?

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Are your breasts suddenly getting bigger? Don't ignore these signs as it can lead to something serious. See a doctor immediately for a formal examination. Read our blog to find out the other health problems linked to big boobs.

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Breasts come in different shapes and sizes. They can be big, droopy or asymmetrical. We all ponder at times if our breasts are actually normal or not. Every woman desires healthy breasts. However, it’s natural to feel concerned when you notice changes in them. If they suddenly look bigger, it can be pretty alarming. Well, breast changes are a normal part of female anatomy. That doesn’t mean you need to blatantly ignore these changes. Early evaluation is essential to rule out any kind of disease. Also, large breasts cause health problems. Therefore, go see a doctor immediately.

Causes of Heavy Breasts

  • Menstruation

Our monthly menstrual cycle brings with it several problems. Stomach tends to feel bloated; breasts get heavier and acne might appear on the face. Among the many symptoms we experience, cyclical breast pain is largely talked about. When your period is round the corner, your oestrogen and progesterone levels tend to fluctuate dramatically. They increase the ducts and glands in your breast which makes them heavy and tender. Two weeks leading up to your period, your breasts become heavier and then it suddenly disappears. You might notice – severe breast heaviness, an aching pain and lumpy breast tissue.

  • Pregnancy

Breast swelling is one of the first signs of pregnancy. Two weeks after you conceive, your breasts might start swelling up. This mainly occurs due to the hormonal changes happening in your body. At this point, your breasts might also appear larger than usual. In your final stretch of pregnancy, your breasts may become heavier since your body starts preparing for breastfeeding.

  • Medication side-effects

Did you know? Certain medicines too can cause breast-related side effects. Hormonal medications are the main culprits. Fertility treatments, birth-control pills and hormone replacement therapy can cause fluid retention in your breasts thereby making them heavier.

  • Fibrocystic breast changes

Fibrocystic breast changes are something most women experience at some point in their lives. The changes in the breast tissue occur due to accumulation of water. When the breasts swell and get filled up with fluid, they tend to feel big. Either one or both breasts might feel larger than usual.

It’s normal for your breasts to feel heavy during these times. If you suddenly experience big boobs, you should see a doctor.

Large Breast Health Problems You Shouldn’t Ignore

The shape and size of your breasts communicate a lot about what’s going on in your body. Therefore, you need to examine them from time to time. Here are a few health problems linked to large breasts:

 Pink Ribbon on Pink Surface

  • It could be a sign of breast cancer

When the shape of one breast changes significantly, it could be a sign of breast cancer. However, don’t jump to conclusions and panic. Just see your doctor right away for a formal examination. Breast density alone isn’t a factor that causes breast cancer. Several other factors such as family history, lifestyle and genetic mutations also increase the risk.

 Woman Touching Her Back

  • Big breasts cause back pain

Heavy breast back pain is quite a common occurrence these days. The condition is referred to as macromastia or breast hypertrophy. Generally, women don’t have issues with large breasts. It only becomes a matter of concern when this leads to chronic neck, shoulder and back pain. When your breasts get larger, your shoulders tend to get pulled down and hunch the back. This leads to poor posture and persistent pain over a period of time. If large breasts are accompanied by weight gain, the pain in the thoracolumbar spine increases. If you continue to wear the wrong bra even after your boobs become bigger, you’re worsening your back problem. For back pain relief, you can even consider breast reduction.

  • You could have polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS)

A sudden increase in breast size could also be an indication that you have PCOS. In PCOS, your testosterone levels get elevated and your ovaries produce an excess number of male hormones. In this case, you might see hair sprouting on your breasts. The condition may further be accompanied by acne and irregular periods. As you notice any kind of abnormality, get a formal diagnosis.

 Mother Breastfeeding her Child

  • Acts a barrier in breastfeeding

Women with large breasts can have problems during breastfeeding. If the size of the nipples is too large, it can become a hindrance for the child. Also, large breasts tend to have an overabundant milk supply. This can cause issues for both you and your baby. It also makes it difficult for the baby to latch on. To make feeding for your little one a seamless experience, give your breasts the support they need and figure out positions that work for you.

  • Higher chances of skin infections

Large breasts are linked to sink infections. As your boobs become bigger, your skin tends to fold onto itself and causes rashes. In a country like India, friction, moisture and heat are quite common. When your breasts rub against your abdomen, it becomes a playground for different types of rashes. A common sweat rash called intertrigo is quite common. It makes the under-boob reddish brown, sore and itchy.

If you sweat excessively beneath your breasts, you’re prone to several bacterial and fungal infections. Firstly, get the right bra, and once you do make sure you don’t wear it multiple times without washing. Sometimes, the underwire in your bra can also be a potential irritant. Since it is made of nickel, it can cause an allergic reaction. Treat the rash with a topical cream and keep the area clean by thoroughly removing shampoo/soap residue during your shower.

 Woman in Blue Sports Bra and Gray Leggings Doing Exercises with Pink Rubber Strength Band

  • Exercising difficulty

Big breasts and exercise aren’t the best combination. Even if you wear a sports bra, it’s not of much help. As you do jumping jacks, burpees or high knees, your boobs will bounce which further causes wear and tear of the breast tissue. Large breasts also cause shortness of breath owing to which you might want to stop exercising.

If you notice an abnormality in your breasts, don’t ignore it. While you can do a self-breast examination, seeking professional help is recommended.

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Can pregnancy cause larger breasts?
Breast swelling is one of the first signs of pregnancy. Two weeks after you conceive, your breasts might start swelling up. This mainly occurs due to the hormonal changes happening in your body. At this point, your breasts might also appear larger than usual. In your final stretch of pregnancy, your breasts may become heavier since your body starts preparing for breastfeeding.