Why Workplace Friendships are Good for You and How to Form Them

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Most adults, on average, spend 8-9 hours a day at their workplace. Given this, it is important that the workplace environment is healthy and one is surrounded by people who believe in the spirit of team work as well as personal growth simultaneously. Some people change jobs very often while many prefer to stick with a trusted company until retirement. This makes workplace friendships a very intangible part of our lives. Choosing the right people in order to grow and contribute to the growth of a business becomes very important. Friendship day goes way beyond our close friends or childhood friends, friends at workplace are equally important.

Additionally, wouldn’t it be extremely boring to have lunch alone in the break room everyday? Or not have an office buddy you can grab the 4 ‘o’ clock tea with? Colleagues who can also be your biggest cheerleaders in all your endeavors are indeed a blessing. Workplace friendships are an important factor that can contribute to maintaining a healthy office experience.

Studies show that having a best friend/ good friend at work can improve productivity, happiness and motivation. This is especially important for the younger employees (ages 18-25) as the newer generation is continuously looking for enriching experiences with diverse people instead of just focusing on the work aspect of a job. Many people continue workplace friendship even outside of the office as it becomes a very dear part of their lives. Therefore socializing in the office has many benefits.

Check Out These Benefits of Workplace Friendships

colleagues shaking hand

You become a team player

Teamwork is a major part of working in an office full of employees. Healthy competition among teammates encourages everyone to not just do better individually but also work in unison and help each other to achieve team goals. A team of friends putting their best foot forward can never go wrong, can it? A happy team often produces the strongest results.


You will have each other’s back

Having friends you can trust and support in the workplace can be very important especially when you are facing problems in the office. You can always share work problems with your friends in the office as they will probably understand your situation best. Good friends will definitely guide you through challenging situations. 

Friendly conversations can also help you share your inputs and understand multiple perspectives on various situations in the office. Preparing for meetings or important presentations can also become easier when you have the support and help of your colleagues.


Boosts productivity:

Naturally, when you are surrounded by people who contribute to your growth and success, the motivation to work harder comes from within. Rather than working alone and continuously from a single cubicle, mingling with your colleagues can positively impact your productivity  and input. 

Studies show that people who make friends at work can align 27% better with their organizational goals. This helps in bringing better ideas and creativity to the table which in turn improves job satisfaction

Lesser Stress levels

As I mentioned, small coffee breaks or a brisk walk to the canteen with a buddy never hurts anyone. Going to the workplace and doing the same task everyday can make life monotonous. Hence having friendly conversations or sharing lunch and taking tea breaks with your colleagues can be a quick refreshment to your hectic day. 

Additionally, having a confidante at work who you can share your thoughts freely with, can lessen your burden and considerably improve stress levels and mental health. 

colleagues discussing ideas

Here are a few ways you can form healthy workplace friendships:


Introduce yourself:

For those who join new, even though formal introductions are given, introducing yourself to the employees singularly can be an important step. Trying to introduce yourself in office groups and joining the common groups during free time can help others to get to know you. 


Suggest for a gathering outside of work:


If you wish to know your colleagues better and have them know you better too, invite them to hangout even outside of work. Grabbing a couple of drinks after work or having lunch outside the office for a day are great ways to have a more casual and comfy setting. 

Join clubs:

Most offices definitely have different kinds of clubs within the company. Do you remember the exclusive ‘Finer things Club’ that Pam, Toby and Oscar found in the sitcom ‘The Office’? Well something more or less like that. Joining different clubs according to your interests will help you communicate with co-workers and befriend those whose interests come closest to you. 

For example- a book club could lead you to meet other bookworms like yourself. And brownie points for practicing your hobby even in your work space. 

Similarly, a Golf club that holds Golf gatherings every Saturday could lead you to meet your colleagues on non-working days and you might also get to see their casual/non-working side! 

baked cookies

Bring in treats once in a while:

Well, we’re definitely not asking you to bribe your co-workers ;) but cookies never hurt anybody right? Bringing in snacks that you know almost everybody will love like cookies, bagels or your signature homemade brownies might just help you gel in with everyone and have a good time whilst you share a snack! It’s the most common way to develop friendships because food brings people together, doesn’t it?

an image from the series "the office"

Keep your desk space jolly:

Who likes a dull desk? Keeping pictures of yourself or your family, decorating the desk with knick-knacks and some candies might just give off a welcoming and warm vibe to your working space. It can also be a great way for your colleagues to kick start conversations with you (For eg- Oh is that your mom? You look just like her!)

That’s right. Your desk will help you make conversations! The icing on the cake is that you might also become the person with the cute candies on their desk ;)


Offer to help

This can go both ways. Apart from your routine work, lending a helping hand to your work friends can show that you are generous and dependable. It will display your helpful side and leave a good impression on your colleagues. Voluntarily offering to help also opens up doors full of opportunities which might in turn help you out. Your coworkers will also keep you in mind when working on major projects if you willingly come through to them during challenging times. 

Seeing you be the helping hand in the office will also remind the coworkers to always have your back when you need them!

office chatting groups online

Make that office chat room:

Most offices you join might already have chat rooms (on whatsapp/instagram/facebook) but if they don’t, you might as well go ahead and make one. Group chats are the easiest way to communicate and understand the different personalities in the office. They are also a great way to help each other out. 

Picking up coffee on your way to work? Ask your friends if they need a cup too! Need help figuring out the excel sheet your boss forwarded you? Drop a text and the right person will definitely reply. Share memes, have light hearted conversations and share those office selfies and you will become the socialite of the office in no time ;)


Be authentic

Lastly, no friendship works if you are not your authentic self around people. It is important for people to know the real you before they include you in their daily shenanigans. So put your best foot forward to develop workplace friendships, but do not forget to be your authentic self while doing so!

Logged in user's profile picture

How to become a team player?
Teamwork is a major part of working in an office full of employees. Healthy competition among teammates encourages everyone to not just do better individually but also work in unison and help each other to achieve team goals. A team of friends putting their best foot forward can never go wrong, can it? A happy team often produces the strongest results.
How to boost productivity?
Naturally, when you are surrounded by people who contribute to your growth and success, the motivation to work harder comes from within. Rather than working alone and continuously from a single cubicle, mingling with your colleagues can positively impact your productivity  and input.