Try these Yoga Asanas to Stay Healthy this Winter

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Highlights Are your muscles and joints getting stiff due to the cold? Well, practicing Yoga in winter is imperative if you want to improve your overall blood circulation, and stay happy and healthy. We’ve shortlisted the top 7 asanas that will help you beat the winter blues with ease.

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It’s that time of the year when getting out of bed is tougher than usual. The struggle is real. While wrapping yourself in a blanket might keep you warm, the fact is that your joints tend to become stiff. If you don’t exercise daily, you will feel extremely lethargic while performing daily chores. Thus, the winter season is the time when you really need to push yourself. You don’t necessarily have to engage in high-intensity workouts. Practicing Yoga regularly is good enough to keep you warm, and increase your immunity and blood circulation. Since Yoga involves a sequence of flowing movements and holds, your major muscle groups get activated thereby reducing any kind of stiffness. It leaves you a lot warmer, energised and healthy.

Tip: Practice Yoga first thing in the morning on a Yoga mat preferably made of cotton to prevent earthing of the energies.

7 Special Yoga Asanas to Beat the Winter Blues

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  • Boat Pose (Navasana)

The boat pose is highly effective in winter. All you have to do is outstretch your arms and legs, and balance your tailbone. It helps you get rid of excess belly fat, massages your internal organs and strengthens your hip flexors. If you want to warm up before a workout, consider doing the boat pose. Keep your core engaged and lift your chin slightly. In case you lose balance, focus on a point on the wall and hold the pose for at least a minute.

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  • Sun Salutation (Surya Namaskar)

Nothing can get better than honouring the winter sun. Start your Yoga practice by performing Surya Namaskar which is a sequence of 12 asanas. Each asana of sun salutation is effective in reducing joint stiffness. The heat generated through Surya Namaskar keeps the body warm especially in the winter season. It also enhances blood circulation and induces a sense of tranquillity to keep the body energised.

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  • Plank (Phalakasana)

Plank is essentially a core-strengthening exercise which is done not only in yoga but in weight-training too. The asana might seem simple but it requires a whole lot of focus and determination. A plank is performed by balancing your body on your elbows and toes with your back aligned. If you’re someone with poor posture, you must practice the plank pose for at least one minute every day. It strengthens abs, chest, neck and back. In the colder months, the blood circulation tends to become sluggish owing to which one becomes susceptible to seasonal illnesses including cold and flu. A plank is one of the many beneficial Yoga asanas that improves the circulation of lymphatic fluid.

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  • Chair Pose (Utkatasana)

This pose is called the chair pose because it looks like one is sitting on an invisible chair. For this pose, you need to stand straight with your feet slightly apart. Inhale deeply while raising your arms overhead. Ensure both your palms are facing each other. Exhale and bend your knees like you’re sitting on an imaginary chair. Ensure your spine is straight and your core muscles are engaged. Try to maintain this pose for at least 5-10 breaths. Alignment is key in this pose. Utkatasana is related to fire. Thus, when you bend it’s almost like you’re stoking a fire in the belly. Doing the chair pose on a cold, winter morning is highly recommended. It will not just strengthen your legs and ankles but also stretch your chest and shoulder. If you’re facing any kind of digestive issue, this pose will provide you with much-needed relief.

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  • Bow Pose (Dhanurasana)

Bow pose is a great way to warm up the body. If you’re experiencing severe winter stiffness, you should do this pose. All you have to do is lie flat on your stomach and raise your legs and torso backward. Get hold of both the feet with your hands and hold this position for as long as you can. While you’re doing this asana, inhale normally. It’s highly effective in reducing anxiety and stress, and improving posture. Since it stretches and strengthens the back and front of the body, you can rest assured that you won’t get any sudden muscle strains and pulls.

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  • Shoulder stand (Sarvangasana)

Sarvangasana is popularly referred to as the ‘queen of asanas’. Even if you’re a Yoga beginner, doing this pose is not difficult. This pose is a part of Ashtanga Yoga. When you’re performing this pose, make sure the knees are straight and the toes are pointed towards the ceiling. If you’re suffering from any kind of psychological issues, Sarvangasana can help you. It improves the blood flow to the brain. During winter, we tend to eat more owing to which we end up with digestion issues on certain days. If you’ve had a late, heavy dinner the previous night, make sure you practice Sarvangasana the next morning. It will strengthen your digestive system, ease constipation and ensure your immune system is strong and healthy. Exhibit caution while doing this pose as it’s easy to hurt yourself.

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  • Cobra Pose (Bhujangasana)

Bhujangasana is highly beneficial if you’re suffering from lower-back pain. It not just improves blood circulation but also tones your abdomen. The cobra pose is pretty simple and can even be performed by a beginner. Lie flat on your stomach with your head on the ground. Place your palms flat on either side of your shoulders and lift your body up from the torso while stretching your belly muscles. Focus on the ceiling and hold this posture for at least 60 seconds. If you have sciatic pain, this pose is helpful. In winter, it boosts your body’s immunity, energises it and provides it with much-needed warmth.


We cannot stress enough upon the importance of Yoga in winter. With the days getting shorter and darker, try to wake up and practice Yoga religiously every morning. After consistent practice, you will feel a visible difference. Better strength, better balance and increased focus is guaranteed. You will sleep better and the flowing movements will lubricate your bodily tissues.



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