Postpartum Yoga Asanas to Ease Pain and Feel Energised

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Highlights Being a new mom isn't easy. There are a whole lot of changes you need to deal with. The best way to keep your mind and body sane is by practicing some postnatal yoga. It involves modified exercises that are gentle. Read our blog to learn further.

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We’ve all heard of prenatal yoga. The minute a woman gets pregnant, she enrols herself in a daily yoga routine. Being active before childbirth ensures a healthy pregnancy. What many people don’t know is that postpartum yoga is equally important. There are myriad benefits of practicing yoga after delivery. From easing pain to reducing stress and fighting postpartum depression, yoga is the answer. It’s the best way to reclaim and reconnect with your body after childbirth. However, you don’t have to start the next day of your delivery. It is a gradual process. Before practicing yoga post pregnancy, it’s always better to consult your doctor. With that being said, every woman is different.

In the postpartum period, a lot of new moms look forward to losing belly fat and getting back in shape. If you’ve had a normal delivery, it’s okay to resume yoga after 6 weeks whereas if you’ve had a C-section, we recommend that you wait around 8 weeks before starting. Since a caesarean is a major abdominal surgery, your tissues need a few weeks to heal. Before starting any weight-loss programme, consult your doctor.

What is Post-Pregnancy Yoga?

Post-pregnancy yoga, also referred to as postnatal yoga is a style of yoga that addresses the challenges of being a new mother. Post-delivery, a woman undergoes several physical, emotional and mental changes. In order to deal with the aftermath of pregnancy, a woman can practice modified, low-intensity exercises that will not just help her heal but also reduce any kind of anxiety she is experiencing. The different types of Yogic exercises recommended post childbirth is what constitutes post-pregnancy yoga.

Best Postpartum Yoga Poses

Free A Woman Doing the Cobra Pose  Stock Photo

  • Bhujangasana or Cobra Pose

Bhujangasana is a back-bending asana. Doing this strengthens the spine, butt, chest and abdomen. It not just improves blood circulation but also releases any kind of stress in one’s body. This asana is also helpful if you want to lose excess fat around your belly area. Doing this regularly will also strengthen your arms and shoulders.

Free Woman in Black Tank Top and Black Leggings Doing Yoga Stock Photo

  • Chaturanga Dandasana or Plank Pose

Chaturanga is a part of the 12 yoga poses that complete a Surya Namaskar. Doing a plank for at least 60 seconds every day is extremely beneficial to a new mom. It is considered one of the best yoga poses for weight loss. Moreover, it also strengthens the spine and the muscles around it. After delivery, the elasticity of the stomach area increases. To improve core strength and stability of the body, this asana is highly recommended.

Free Full body of mountain pose with raised arms looking up while standing on mat during yoga training in light room Stock Photo

  • Tadasana or Mountain Pose

To enhance body awareness and correct imbalance, you must regularly practice Tadasana. When you stand solid on the ground with a small gap between your toes, your posture remarkably improves. It provides strength and expansion, and activates the nerves of the entire body. This asana is very good for women who’ve had a C-section delivery. It improves blood circulation throughout the body. It is also the perfect asana to regulate the menstrual cycle in women.

Free Side view of happy young Asian woman with long hair in activewear smiling while holding hands of crop anonymous partner and performing Navasana pose together during yoga lesson Stock Photo

  • Navasana or Boat Pose

Before performing Navasana, ask your doctor if you can perform it. It is the perfect asana to strengthen abdominal muscles. Initially, it may be difficult for you to get the position right. However, don’t attempt to ace it. Do how much you can. The boat pose not only beats stress but also solves any kind of issues you’re going through. It improves flexibility in the hip joints and legs, and stimulates abdominal organs.

Free A Woman Doing a Warrior Pose Stock Photo

  • Virabhadrasana or Warrior Pose

A lot of new moms complain of sore shoulders and neck. This usually happens if they’re constantly looking at their baby during breastfeeding. Warrior pose is helpful if you want to ease the pain off tight shoulders. Consider it as an amazing stretching exercise as it improves flexibility in your spine and pelvic region. It will also help you develop strength and balance. If you’re experiencing any kind of stress and anxiety post-delivery, you must practice Virabhadrasana regularly.

Free A Man and a Woman Doing Yoga Stock Photo

  • Pranayama or Alternate Nostril Breathing

Pranayama is an ancient Yogic practice. It connects the body and mind, and removes toxins. While it has stress-relieving effects, it also provides various physiological benefits. Performing Pranayama to the vibrations of the humming sound “aum”, has enormous benefits. It relaxes the mind, lowers stress, alleviates anxiety and improves sleep quality. Post C-section, doctors recommend performing alternate nostril breathing. It can be done immediately as it does not involve any kind of physical movement. It is harmless. It helps you get rid of belly fat sooner and your concentration power increases.

Postnatal Yoga Benefits

Physical Benefits:

  • Promotes overall health
  • Aids in realignment of the spine
  • Promotes stamina and strength
  • Soothes sore muscles and relieves shoulder stiffness
  • Promotes hormonal balance
  • Maintains flexibility in the spine and joints
  • Stimulates cell growth and repair

Emotional Benefits:

  • Helps reduce depression and anxiety
  • Helps you reclaim and reconnect with your body
  • Improves bonding between mother and baby
  • Provides relaxation and deep rest
  • Gives you a chance to interact with other mums
  • Aids in emotional healing in case of a difficult pregnancy or birth

Precautions to be followed Before Starting Postpartum Yoga

  • Consult your doctor
  • Learn from a professional yoga practitioner
  • Don’t push yourself beyond a certain limit
  • Do how much your body allows you to
  • Eat clean
  • Happy mother = happy baby

If you wish to get back to how you were pre-pregnancy, postnatal yoga is a must. The asanas mentioned in this blog are gentle and focused which will help you get back in shape and will also help you deal with any kind of fluctuating mood swings owing to the hormonal changes.

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